Intestine noose

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Scary title. 😝Thank you for all the comments and ideas for my upcoming chapters. I really enjoyed reading them. Sorry the last chapter was a bit odd... This chapter gets a bit 'steamy.' I can add more or less romance. Comment how you feel. Enjoy my precious petals ❤️❤️❤️

Meghan's POV

Well, bye, bye virginity, it was nice knowing ya! I can't believe it, I actually lost my virginity! I was almost scared to tell Charlie that that was my first time, but not after he admitted it was his too. Neither of us really knew what we were doing, and Charlie kept panicking that he was hurting me. I'm currently laying beside him, tangled in his limbs, and watching him sleep. He looks so adorable like this. He has a broad smile plastered on his face, and his head resting on his arm. His hair looks like a natural disaster, but then again, his hair is always like a natural disaster, and takes a hell of a lot of gel to tame it, and that horrible bruise is positioned on his head, not even trying to hide. I still feel guilty about that- but other than that, he looks like an angel. I could have stayed there and watched him all day, but his brain decided now was a good time to wake up a bit. He starts mumbling.
"No, don't touch the pelican! That's not a good thing to do."
I quickly clap my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I stuff my face into my pillow, not wanting to disturb him.
"No, Dave. Leave the mini meringues  alone! They don't want you to take them to the theatre to see Bob Marley; especially in that hideous, yellow jeep of yours!"
That's it, I can't hold it in any longer!
I burst out into hysterics.
Charlie's eyelids flutter open, revealing his beautiful, yet rather dazed looking, hazel eyes.
"Meghan? What's so funny?"
"Sorry to wake you, babe, but you were talking in your sleep!" I yell through huge amounts of laughter.
"Was I? I don't even remember what I was dreaming about."
"Who's Dave?" I ask, ignoring him.
"Dave? I don't know anyone called Dave. At least I don't think I do." He says, sitting up, revealing his bare, well toned chest.
"Well, when I was 9 my best friends' hamster was called Dave. Oh, and the locksmith next door to us when I was 13 was called Dave as well. Why do I remember these things?" He asks, looking down at me. 
I would sit up too, but I don't want to reveal MY chest, even though he saw everything last night. I honestly thought his eyes would pop out of his head. He did stare rather a lot, but can I blame him? He's an young, adult male who's never seen a naked woman. I probably stared a lot too anyway.
"Well, talking about hamsters and locksmiths called Dave was not how I planned to start this morning, but okay. Anyway, how did you sleep?"
"I slept great. Cos I was with you." I reply.
He leans down, and kisses me lightly on the lips.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asks, worry filling his voice.
"No, I'm fine. Actually, I am hurt."
"What?! Where?!" He practically screams.
"Right here." I say, pointing to my lips.
He glares at me.
"You really scared me there Meg."
"Sorry, but I'm still hurt here."
He rolls his eyes, but kisses me all the same. I reach up, and wrap my arms around his neck, tangling my hands in his hair. He allows a soft moan to escape his throat. I grin at this, and kiss him harder. I slide my tongue into his mouth, earning another moan from him. He rolls himself over, and coils his arms around my back. I feel the blanket slide down my shoulders, and start to feel self conscious. I break away from the kiss, and quickly pull the covers up, leaving Charlie looking confused.
"Sorry, but can we get dressed first?"
"Sure. I don't mind."
I give him a great full smile, then slowly, reach down, and grab my underwear off the floor, carful to keep the blanket around me. I slide the garments on under the covers.
When I reemerge, Charlie is already back in the bed with a pair of boxers on. I stare at him with longing and want.
"So, what n-"
I cut him off by flinging myself at him. I straddle his waist, and carefully position myself on his heavily muscled abdomen. I kiss him roughly on the lips, then move over to his ear. I nibble his earlobe, and he lets out a sigh of pleasure.
"Enjoying this, aren't you?" I ask.
He lets out a little whimper. I look down, and see his hands balled in to fists with the fabric of the bed sheet.
"Are you finding this too hard? Do you want me to stop?" I tease in his ear.
He shakes his head dramatically, unable to speak.
I move down again to his neck this time. I gently start sucking and bitting the skin there. After a while longer, and lots of moans from Charlie, I stop, and sit back to admire my work. Along Charlie's neck and collar bone, is a long line of red bites. Charlie's eyes are darting all around the room. He looks completely dumbfounded.
"That was... Nice." He decides on.
I grin, knowing he was rather stumped for words to describe that.
"Do you have any idea how long these are gonna stay?"
"No, why?"
"Cos I don't really think your brother will believe that these are bruises, and I just fell on to my neck, no matter how stupid he thinks I am."
"Ryan doesn't think you're stupid, he just hates your guts, and wants to hang you with your own intestines." I reply, adding some of my own details.

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