Stop tasting like marshmallow, and I'll kiss you

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Meghan Vs Ryan!

Meghan's POV

Ryan leads Charlie into the hallway. I look up to him. He pets me on the head and gives me a smile. I return it.
"I wonder what Ryan's gonna say to him."
"He's probably gonna beat the crap out of him." Stephen says.
"What?!" I shriek.
"I was kidding Meghan! Calm down."  "Sorry."
"It's probably the 'if you hurt my sister, I'll kill you.' Crap." Mikaela says.
"-I'll kill you." We hear from the hall.
"See? Told you."
Charlie comes back in. We all get up to ask him what happened.
"Ryan wants to talk to you." He says looking at me.
"Well, I want want to yell at him."
I stomp into the hallway, with no time to listen patiently to Ryan telling me what a good big brother he's being.
"Don't 'meg' me. What did you say to my boyfriend?" I demand.
Ryan explains how he was gonna kick Charlie back to New Jersey if he hurt me.
"Ok, Ryan? I appreciate that you're looking out for me. But you don't need to threaten to kill my boyfriend. Ok? Charlie loves me."
"Mmm. But if he hurts you-"
"Yes Ryan. I get the picture."
"Ok. Well bye. Thanks for a lovely party."
I can't tell if he's being sarcastic.
"Oh. Well, bye." I say.
I wave him off, then join the the others in the lounge.
"Jerk." I mumble under my breath. They all turn to me, including Charlie, who has what appear to be marshmallows in his mouth.
"What happened?"
I explain quickly and briefly. Charlie looks furious, which of course looks hilarious, since he's up to his eyeballs in marshmallows. Soon, we get back to the game.
"How are we playing?" I ask.
"He's gotta keep shoving marshies in there until he can't fit any more in, he spits them out, or we can't understand him." Stephen says.
"Oh cool."
Charlie starts trying to sing a few lines of 'marvin Gaye'.
"-dlu gat to gibv id sall to ne. I squeaming merthie merthie pwease." He sings, desperately trying not to spit the marshmallows out, and into the the bowl beneath him.
"How many has he got in there?!" I ask no one in particular.
"12 so far." Mikaela answers.
"Come on Charlie boy! You've got a big mouth, and I mean it in both ways! You can get a 13th in there!" Stephen yells.
"Come on chipmunk boy!" Emmy adds.
Charlie tries to stifle a laugh. He grabs a marshmallow, and shoves it into his mouth.
"I vill burnive! I nill gurive! Hfor atfg nkong atgh I cgkniw blouw to nieve I clow illt cjay banive!" He sings.
It takes us all a while, but we work out he's singing I will survive.
After his 15th marshmallow, he sounds like this.
"Hshfh jsbueb ourn idbue ineusue ichniwtgnhen iwbg upwbgd busbgb ugiq Myffawha jtey!"
"Ok, I got it!" Stephen yells.
All of us, including Charlie, stare at him in disbelieve.
"You got that?" I ask.
"No, but you should have totally seen your faces."
We all role our eyes.
Charlie starts laughing, and spits all the marshmallows into his bowl.
"Oh my god! It's a flipping Niagara falls of freaking marshmallows!" Mikaela says.
When Charlie's done spitting out marshmallows, I ask him:
"Ok, now, what were you singing?"
"Sponge bob squarepants."
"Oh wow! Of all the songs. That's what you chose?" I ask.
He nods his head. We all laugh. After we've hall had a turn, Charlie is declared the winner. No one even got close to beating him. I only got 6 in. Charlie got more than double that amount.
"See? Big mouths do come in handy. For chubby bunny, and for other other things." He says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I push him away when he tries to kiss me.
"I ain't kissing you. You're gonna taste like marshmallows. Stop tasting like marshmallows, and I'll kiss you." I say.
He jumps up, and runs into the bathroom.
"Hey, where're you going?" I ask.
"To clean my teeth."

Ok, I wrote this chapter a few months ago, but I recently found Charlie puth playing chubby bunny on a radio show. (He's really bad at it, despite what I said in this chapter. 😆) he never got more than 6 medium sized marshmallow is his mouth 😂 it's a really funny video. These ones in this chapter were relatively small marshmallows

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