Just hold me

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Here is your car crash scene. You're welcome my petals 😏

Meghan's POV

I hold on to Charlie's arm as we walk down the avenue. Charlie is taking me to this great cafe he found. We walk into the cafe, and we are met by warmth, light, and the delicious smell of freshly baked cookies. It's a rather nice contrast to outdoors, which is cold, dark, and just to add to that, the roads are covered with old, grey snow. We take a seat on a brown, leather couch, with an oak table in front of us. While Charlie takes his coat off, I can't help but adore how cute he looks with snow in his disheveled hair, and Rosie cheeks.
"Meg, what do you want to drink?"
"I'll have a caramel latte. Oh, and a brownie please." I say, now craving one after seeing a notice behind the display cabinet, saying they were served hot. I watch as Charlie jogs up to the counter. I now notice how cold my cheeks are. I go to rub them, but wince as my hands are equally as cold, since I only brought my hat and scarf for warmth, and left my gloves at home. I simply burrow my neck into my black, button up coat, in the hopes it will warm my cheeks a little.
Charlie returns with the drinks and my brownie. I thank him while taking the pastel, green mug from him. I hold it under my chin, and let it warm my face. We finish our drinks, and I, my cake, and Charlie pays for them. We step outside, and I huddle myself into Charlie's side as the cold winter air surrounds me. We start walking to the subway, Charlie's arm protectively around my shoulder. My hands are deathly cold, and blowing hot air into them isn't working.
"Meg, do you want me to go and get you some gloves?"
"Huh? Where from? Or have you obtained a magic power where you can summon winter wear?"
"Ha ha(!) Very funny. But seriously, I can go and get some. There's an Accesorize just across the road."
"Are you sure you don't mind." I ask, feeling like a burden.
"No, of course not. Look, you go sit in there, get yourself a soda, and I'll meet you there. Ok?"
"Ok. Thank you."
He winks at me,  walks a little further down the pavement, then crosses over to the shop, which I now see. I walk inside the shop, and get myself a coke. Suddenly, I hear tyres skidding across the icy road, and a thud as the car makes impact with something. Oh my god. I hope someone hasn't been hurt. I leave my two thirds of my un drunk drink on the table, and rush outside. I see the last thing I expected to see. Charlie's limp body, laying on the road, motionless.

I wake up screaming. Charlie! What happened to Charlie?! I need to know he's ok. I jump out of bed, throw on my coat and Ugg boots, and run out the door, down the stairs, and out the main door. The cold air nips at my skin but I'm in too worried about Charlie to worry about myself. I'm now gasping for breath. My lungs are desperately trying to draw air. I breathe a sigh of relive at the sight of Charlie's building. This time, I wait for the lift, and given that it's around four am, nobody's using it, so it comes pretty quickly. The doors slide open, and I frantically push the button for Charlie's floor. It only takes about thirty seconds, but it feels like thirty minutes. The lift isn't even completely open when I squeeze through the doors, and clumsily, dash down the hall. Once at Charlie's house, I bang on the door so hard, I'm surprised it didn't come unattached at the hinges. After a few agonisingly long minutes, the door opens. Standing in the doorway, is Charlie. His eyes barely open, his hair a mess, and only in his boxers and a white shirt for p.j.s. Even though I am scarred to death, and relived that he's alive, I still manage to find the brain capacity to think he looks incredibly hot.
"Meghan? What are you doing here?" He asks sleepily.
I throw myself at him. He almost immediately wraps his arms around me.
"Meghan, what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry. I had I bad dream. And you died!" I scream, my voice tight.
Charlie pulls my head out of his chest, and looks me in the eye. I look down at his shirt and it's soaked with tears I didn't even know I was crying.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No. I just want to go to bed." I say.
Charlie picks me up, and carries me into his room. It now just occurs to me, I've never actually slept in Charlie's bed before. Well, I have, but I wasn't sober and nor was he.
"Charlie. Can I wear some of your clothes? I know I can hug you and everything, but, I want to feel even closer to you." I say.
"Ok. I'll go get you some."
He returns with a plain blue top, that will fit me like a dress. I'm so tired, and you know, I don't really care, it was bound to happen anyway; I strip down to my underwear, in front of Charlie, and change into the shirt. I turn back to Charlie, and see that his eyes are no longer half closed, but wider then I've ever seen before.
"What? Never seen a woman in her underwear before?" I ask.
"No. Except my mum and sister when I was really little." He replies, not taking his eyes off me.
I would really like to kiss him all over, but I'm too tired, and still quite shaken up. Charlie finally takes his eyes off me, and gets into his bed. I crawl in beside him, and relax as his muscular arms incircle me. His socked feet wrap around my bare legs, warming me. Which I'm great full for, given that I just ran five blocks in the middle of January.
"Do you need anything else?"
"Just hold me."
I slowly calm down, and forget about the dream. I fall asleep knowing that Charlie is safe, and that nothing has happened to him.
He's safe.

There you are. You had the adrenaline, but Charlie didn't get hurt. Hope you enjoyed. Although, seriously has anyone got any ideas for a new chapter, because I am stumped. 😂

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