I love you soberly

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⚠️warning- extreme fluffyness⚠️

Meghan's POV

I wake up to my vision slightly blocked. Once my eyes adjust, I realise it's hair. Long, blonde hair. What on earth... Oh right! Meghan stayed here. I look down, and see, Meghan curled up in a little ball, with my arms around her. Her back is moulded into my stomach, so she fits perfectly. The shirt I gave her has risen up in the night, exposing her black underpants. She looks so cute and hot right now. I only now realise, Meghan has never actually slept in my bed before. Huh. Meghan starts wriggling in my arms. She starts screaming, and scares the crap out of me. I jump up, and fall out of the bed. The loud thud awakens her.
"Charlie!" She cries.
"I'm here. I'm here. What's wrong?" I ask, pulling myself up.
I don't even get a chance to get on the bed before Meghan throws herself at me, knocking me backwards, and both of us onto the floor.
"I had the nightmare again! This time it continued, and I had to watch them take your life support out, and... you died! There was nothing I could do!" She screams hysterically.
"Shhh, it's ok. I'm ok. I'm right here. I'm not gonna leave your side."
I rest my chin lightly on her head, as she tries to burrow further into me.
"Charlie, you know how baby's like to feel bare skin against their own? Well, that's what I would like now."
I'm not really sure what she means.
"What do you mean?"
"I want to feel closer to you. I would take my shirt off, and do you suppose you could take your shirt off, and I can just cuddle up to you?" She asks.
Ok, I must be dreaming. Meghan is volunteering to take her clothes off, and she's asking me to take my clothes off too. I spend so long pondering over this, that I leave Meghan staring at me with her big, red, puffy eyes.
"Yeah, ok. Hold on, I have an idea."
I go into my closet, and bring out my Snuggy.
"What's that?"
"It's a blanket with sleeves. Come on." I say, taking Meghan's hand in the one that's not holding the Snuggy.
"Chose a movie, I'll get the drinks and snacks, then we can cuddle. Ok?"
"Ok." She replies, not taking her head away from the DVD cabinet.
I come back with the food, and Meghan has the movie at the play menu. It appears we are watching 'city of bones'. I sit down next to her, and she snuggles into my side.
"Oh, right." I say, remembering her whole 'shirts off' plan. We both take our shirts off, put one arm each through the arm holes, and cuddle up. I can feel Meghan's heart hammering against my own. It's a lovely feeling. Her skin is so soft. Like a baby's bum. Where does that saying even come from? Are baby's bums soft? I have no idea. I've never actually felt a baby's bum... Well I guess I will when Meg and I have kids. Oh. New thought. Where did that come from? I didn't know I wanted to have kids with her. Well now that I think of it, of course I want  Meghan to be the mother of my children. Should I ask Meghan how she thinks about our future?
"Mmm?" She says.
"Can you picture us getting married?"
"Of course. I've always planed out my wedding, but the grooms face was always blank. Until you came along. Now it's you." She says, looking deeply into my eyes, probably wondering how I'll react. I can't find any words, so I crash my lips into hers instead. I know I've said it to her before, but I was drunk, so this will be the first time I've said it sober.
"I love you Meghan."
"I love you too Charlie."

Can we get to 100 votes? So far, I'm on 96.
Thanks my petals! 💛💛💛

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