Bucky Catch-Up

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How you meet:
You were walking down the street after work and you weren't going to lie, you lived in a sketchy area.
Pepper spray was in your purse and you had learned some self-defense but you were still very scared.
As you were walking down the road you heard heavy steps behind you. You turned around and saw a pretty tall guy, and he was pretty muscular.
You backed away a little but before the guy said anything a guy jumped down and stood in front of you.
"Move along." He said as he rolled up his sleeves to reveal a metal arm.
Your eyes widened and you looked at him.
"Thank you." You said softly and he looked at you.
"You weren't doing anything wrong. Where do you live?" He asked and you pointed behind you.
"A few more blocks down that way." You said and he nodded as he rolled down his sleeves again.
"Okay, I'll walk with you to make sure you're safe." He said and you nodded, not arguing because it's not everyday that a hot guy comes to your aid.

How he asks you out:
You and Bucky had gotten to know each other very well.
Everyday he would escort you to and from your house to make sure you didn't get hurt.
He would make you smile and laugh and you just enjoyed being with him.
Yes, he told you about him being the winter solider partially because he can't hide his metal arm.
One day when he was walking you home he held your hand shyly but you didn't pull away.
You saw him smile as you walked up to the door of your apartment.
"So I'll see you tomorrow." You said and smiled.
He paused and didn't let go of your hand.
"Wait, I want to ask you something." He said and you nodded. "So um, would be up to going on a date with me?" He asked and you blushed softly but nodded.
"Yeah, I would like that." You said and he smiled.
He kissed your hand which made you blush even more, but you opened your door and let you in before closing the door.
You smiled and leaned against the door and smiled very widely.

Your first date:
The night of your first date you were getting ready and putting on your shoes as there was a knock on the door.
"Come on in Buck." You called you heard the door open and close.
You walked out of the bathroom and looked at him. "So how do I look?" You asked and he looked at you.
His jaw dropped and the flowers in his hand dropped a little.
"Wow." You heard him whisper and you giggled a little.
"Aw, flowers!" You said and walked over to him.
You took the flowers from him and walked to the kitchen to put them on water.
After you out then in water you walked back over to Bucky and he seemed to have gathered himself and you smiled.
"So where are we going?" You asked as he took your hand and walked out of your building.
"Well, I was hoping to go for a picnic in the park and stargaze." He said and you smiled and nodded.
"That sounds beautiful." You said and he smiled.
"Just like you doll." He said as he walked to the park.

He finds out you self harm/harmed:
In your high school year, you fell into a deep depression and you didn't really tell anyone so you turned on yourself and started hurting yourself.
You had scars on your thighs and stomach because of it, and on some low nights you turned back to that old habit, but it had been years since you've done it.
On one date Bucky wanted you to the beach but you were protesting.
"Come on doll, please just come to the beach." He whined and you stood there with your arms crossed and your head shaking.
"No James." You said and he looked at you.
"Okay why don't you want to go swimming?" He asked and walked closer to you.
"I'm afraid of water." You said.
"Nope, you are not. Please just tell me." He said and put his hands on your shoulders.
"I just don't want to Buck." You said and he sighed.
"Okay, fine. It'll be the hard way then." He said and picked you up and slung you over his shoulder.
"James out me down!" You said as he walked to your room and put you on the bed.
What you didn't realize is that when he put you on the bed your shirt rolled up and your scars were showing.
He paused and looked at your stomach.
Your eyes widened and pulled your shirt back down. You closed your eyes and sighed as you began to explain.
"I haven't done it in forever. It was just because of high school." You whispered and he sat next to you and kissed your head.
"Good." He whispered and took a deep breath. "If you ever feel like that again please tell me." He said and you nodded a little.

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