Clint-Frozen (Autistic Daughter)

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There is a little bit of upsetting language and there is mention of self harm. Read if you want, and if you feel like you want to hurt yourself, talk to someone. You are not alone and you can always talk to me if you need anyone. I've been there before and if you need anyone, I can be there for you. 

Clint's P.O.V 

Being a single parent and also an Avenger is the most challenging thing I've ever done, and I've gone against some bad people. I even went without coffee for a week. 

Having a daughter is difficult, there a lot of things I want to protect her from, especially since she's on the spectrum of autism. Oh and did I mention she has ice powers? Yeah, that was fun when we first discovered that. 

She's in high school now and is looking to start dating, but I'm wary of the guy she has her eye on. There's something about him, he doesn't look at her how I would want her boyfriend to look at her. 

There was even a time where I heard him say something involving the word stupid, and I saw her precious smile drop. Anyone who hurts my little girl, is dead, Steve would argue figuratively I say really dead. 

She seems really happy though, and I know I can't interfere because if I do then she would probably say she hates me and do something I wouldn't predict. I do what I can to keep her happy, but there's only so much a dad can do. 

One day after school she storms into the house, drops her backpack, and sprints to her room without saying a word to me. Worriedly, I get up and follow, hoping I don't make it worse. 

When I get to her door I hear soft sniffs and take a deep breath before knocking. 

"Go away dad." She says through the door, making my heart fall slightly. 

"Please pumpkin, let me in and talk to me." I push gently, trying to get her to open up to me. Since she started dating this guy she seemed happy, but he had slowly made her distance herself from me. Maybe that's why I don't like him. 

There was a pause and a shuffle of feet before the door opened just a little bit. Just enough to show me that she was crying. 

"He called me stupid and retarded (I hate this word but it fits the story, please don't ever use it even in a joking way. It's a terrible word and shouldn't be used as an insult) and told me he was only dating me because no one else would." She whispered looking at her feet. My heart broke at what he had said about my daughter. 

She closed her door and locked it before I could say anything, making my heart break even more. I realized that I probably needed a women with me so I called Nat after I walked back to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. 

Natasha basically ran over, she would do anything for my daughter. She is as much a mother to her as her real mother was. 

When we make our way back to my daughters room, I don't hear any crying or any noise. Natasha smiled a little and knocked this time. 

"Hey there, I heard the bad news. I'm here to help." Natasha said, but no noise was heard, there was no response. 

My heart started freaking out, she responds, She loves Natasha, why isn't she responding? 

I look at Nat with panic in my heart and reach for the doorknob, which was cold as ice. I turn the knob and realize it was unlocked, I open it, afraid of the worst. 

The first thing I see is her sitting on her bed, alive. I breathe a sigh of relief but it was short lived when I realize what she was doing. She was holding a blade in her hand, and her wrist was bleeding. 

"What are you doing honey? No please no." I almost yell making her scream and put her hand up. In a split second she shot an icicle from her hand that embedded itself in the wall right next to my left shoulder. 

After realizing it was just me, she started to cry. "Honey it's okay you didn't mean it." I offered my hand but she shook her head and ran. 

"Natasha catch her!" I yelled to my friend but my daughter was already out of the house. "Oh my god I just lost my daughter. I'm a terrible father." I mumble to myself as I pace around the whole house, with Natasha trying to calm me down. 

"Clint calm down. Stop pacing and sit down! Sit down and think! Where would she go?" Natasha said pushing me down onto the couch. 

I finally sit and actually think of where she would go. There are a few places I think she could have gone but I have a feeling she would go to a specific place. 

When she was small and her mom was still alive we made a treehouse for her. She spent half her time in it and we had the best picnics and movie nights in there. 

"Treehouse." I say before running out of the house to go find her. I have to find her to make sure she's okay. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. She is my world. 

As I run up to the treehouse, I see that it's overgrown. We haven't used it in awhile and it I've been a little busy with work. Quickly I see her though, she's inside trying to clear away some of the overgrown plants. 

"Be careful there might be poison ivy." I call up making her jump a little and look down at me. 

"Don't come up here, I might hurt you." She called in a sad voice. 

"You could never hurt me, you're hurting. I know, but if you talk to me and let me help you through this you'll be okay." I called. I didn't want to push her so I stayed on the ground and let her have her space. 

"I almost killed you." She argued, which was a fair point. 

"But you didn't mean to do it. You were in a very vulnerable place and I surprised you. You're also still training and don't have full control over everything you can do. You're not dangerous to me. I know you would never hurt me." I called making her pause and look around at the treehouse. 

"I could use some help clearing this out...I'd like to use it again." She called making me smile a little. 

"Do you want me to help?" I asked making her laugh a little. 

"Who else would I want to help? Steve?" She asked with a laugh. I chuckled gently before climbing up to the join her. 

We spent the afternoon clearing out the treehouse and reliving the memories that we had made with her mom in there. 

I called into her school and told them she was sick so she could have a mental health day. We spent the day talking and spending time with Nat. She told many embarrassing stories about me which made my daughter laugh. 

It didn't matter if I was embarrassed, or if I didn't want her to know any of those stories, if it made her smile then it was worth it. 

At least she knew that I was never going to leave or hurt her. 


This was requested so I hope you liked it! It was very different for me to write but I enjoyed it. I really liked how it turned out. 

If anyone has anymore ideas let me know! I have one more planned that I'm going to write and I'm excited to write it! So any other ideas are welcome, I want to write but I'm still short on ideas. 

Thank you for reading, hopefully you vote or comment! 

 I hope you all are having a wonderful day and doing okay! 

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