Preference - Your biggest insecurity

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I totally forgot how many characters I did...they might have the same insecurities but it's been awhile so just go with it for this one. 

I did delete some characters which I couldn't think of anything for. There are some that are a little bit repetitive so sorry about that. If you have any ideas for other preferences or imagines let me know! 

I'm so sorry on the delay of this chapter, winter break was crazy for me and I actually started a new major this semester so it's been crazy. I hope you enjoy!!! 


When you and Tony started dating you were always insecure about how you looked. There were some days where you just wanted to go to the grocery store in sweatpants but you felt like you couldn't do that since one reporter was sure to find you. So you felt like you always had to dress up or at least look somewhat "presentable". Tony began to notice and asked you why you always looked so nice when you two went out somewhere. 

At first you denied that you did what you did, but Tony saw right through the lie and pressed further. You broke and told him that the media put pressure on you to dress a certain way and you didn't feel like you could be your true self while out even if your true self just wanted to buy some cookie dough. Tony felt bad since the media was on you because you were dating him. He hugged your waist and apologized for what it was doing to you and made sure that if you wanted to wear sweats to the grocery store, he would wear a unicorn onesie and go with you, just to distract from you. 

He made good on that promise and the next time you went to the grocery store, he wore that onesie. He was in a lot of headlines the following day. 


Dating Steve was amazing, he was a gentleman and he was always so gracious to you. The one thing that he had no idea you were self conscious about was your height. Standing next to Captain America is crazy even if you're not dating him, but constantly having to look up at him and realize how small you were and falling down the rabbit hole of how small you were in this world started to bother you. Steve took notice that you stopped looking at him while you were both standing up and wanted to find out why since it was kind of an odd habit to form. 

He asked you, making you realize that you even formed the habit. When you told him why, which you had to repeat three times to him because you whispered it the first two, he was shocked. He had never realized that even his height would lead to something like that and he even felt that pain before he got the serum in the 40's. 

There wasn't a lot Steve could do, but he made sure that when you were standing next to each other and couldn't do anything about it, he would look down and say something to you instead of expecting you to look up at him. If you two were walking, he wouldn't do much but when you stopped, or around your apartment he would get down on his knees and walk on them. It made you laugh since you were now looking down at him and because you always made jokes about his old knees and how he would hurt himself. 

One day he did hurt himself by accidentally "stepping" on a dog done which made him fall to the floor and pretend he was dying while the dog was licking his face and trying to get Steve to play with him.  You got it on video and it's now your favorite video of Steve which he still begs you to delete and not to show the team. Little does he know you already showed the team. 


Since you traveled with Thor to Asgard a few times before it got destroyed, you have spent time with the people and had seen what it was like to live there. You had become very insecure to visit since the people you had seen the last couple times you had visited, they had looked so good and much better than you felt you did. Thor had noticed the next time you had visited. You had them dress you up as much as they could and put make up on and put your hair up. Thor liked how you looked but asked why you did it. 

Avengers imagines and preferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang