Preference-You/They are Drunk

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Sorry this took me so long! If you have any requests, let me know!!! 


Since Steve couldn't get drunk, you would try to keep up when you two would drink together. It resulted in you getting almost blackout drunk. You were a giggly drunk and he found it very entertaining until you almost hurt yourself by tripping up the stairs. It was quite a show for him.

"Woah there sweetheart, take it slow." Steve said as he helped you up. You just laughed and tried to stay upright as you laughed and tried to walk up the stairs. "You are so drunk." He said and laughed to himself.

He helped you into bed and made you drink some water before letting you go to sleep. You laughed as he made you lay down and kissed your forehead. You didn't realize you were tired before you closed your eyes. After you went to sleep Steve put aspirin on your bedside table and left you to sleep.


He was the one to get drunk at the beginning of the relationship until he got sober further into it. At the beginning he would get really depressed and would say things like he wasn't good enough for you or the relationship that you have. One of the nights that made him get sober was a very depressed night that you had to help into bed.

"You deserve someone like Steve, someone who's honorable and doesn't get drunk like this. You're amazing and I'm an asshole. I'm a terrible person and you need to get yourself out of this relationship." Tony slurred as you took his drink away from him and started to help him to his room.

You ignored this and helped him into bed. The next day you sat down to talk to him. You said he needed to find a different coping mechanism instead of drinking. He realized it was time to do what you were telling him to do. Get help and stop drinking. You were there to help him every step of the way.


Clint was the one to get drunk the most, you could handle your liquor more than him. You could actually keep up with Natasha. Whenever Clint would get too drunk to walk straight, you had to help him. Natasha would give you a hand if you needed it but you two would laugh at what he was doing most of the time. Clint would insist he could walk on his own before tripping on his own feet and reaching out for you two to help him which you two of course did.

Once you were back at the tower Natasha would leave you to undress him and get him into bed which every time he would tell you he had a girlfriend. You kept telling him that you were his girlfriend before him allowing you to put him in bed and giving him a kiss on the cheek before hanging out with Natasha for the rest of the night before getting to bed next to Clint.


You just couldn't keep up with Natasha when you went out drinking. You wouldn't drink as much as her, she got even more drunk every time you went out. She would get really aggressive towards anyone who looked at you wrong in her eyes. You made sure you were okay and soon after she hit that limit, you would leave wherever you were and helped her get to her room where she couldn't hurt herself.

She would always tell you that she would do anything for you and that if someone ever hit on you, she would hit them. She kept saying that she would fight anyone for you, and that included someone who couldn't die like Deadpool. You would laugh and tell her that she didn't have to do that and you would do the same for her. After you made sure she was in bed and made sure she was asleep, you would get ready for bed yourself and fall asleep making sure you were there for Natasha when she woke up.


Bruce didn't drink much since he's seen what it did to Tony but you would drink some on occasion and rarely got drunk. When you did, Bruce helped you where ever you went. You would tell him that you had a boyfriend like twenty times before you realized that it was actually your boyfriend was helping you. 

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