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After a particularly hard mission, you were sitting in your room drinking straight from a bottle of whiskey you had stolen from Tony's bar. 

While on the mission, it was your job to save some of the people that HYDRA were experimenting on. You didn't get all of them out in time. You were about to go back in to get the last group, who were your age, and the base exploded in front of you. 

You weren't seriously hurt, just cuts and bruises. The mental toll was the worst part. Because of you there were people who would never have a chance to live the the life they were supposed to before HYDRA. 

It was all your fault. 

Drowning yourself in booze was the only thing you could think of to help the pain you felt. 

There was a soft knock on your door and it opened slowly. "Hey y/n, I just wanted to check on you. You okay?" Bucky's voice drifted from the door. 

"Buckyyyyy, how are you man? I'm great now. This mission sucked for me but how are you?" You slurred from your bed as you got up and swayed over to him. 

"Woah there sweet pea, how much have you had to drink?" Bucky asked as he caught you from falling causing you to giggle. 

You held up the bottle in your hand. "Well this was full when I started." You said, the bottle was halfway done. 

Bucky sighed and looked at you, getting worried about you. "What was so bad about the mission? You did your job just fine." He said as he guided you towards your bed sat you down gently. 

"I was going to go back in to get a group of other people, my age. People around my age were still in there and I didn't save them Buck. People died because of me." You said looking down at the bottle in your hands with tears in your eyes. 

Bucky sighed gently when you lifted the bottle again and took a long sip. "I think it's time to put the whiskey away. You need to drink some water and get in bed, it's late." He said and reached towards the bottle. 

"No! If I stop drinking the fuzzy feeling will go away." You protested as you stood up, too fast for your body to handle. "Shit." You mumbled before throwing the bottle at Bucky and stumbling to the bathroom attached to your room and kneeling over the toilet. As soon as you got there you emptied the contents of your stomach. 

Bucky put the bottle on your dresser and grabbed a ponytail holder as he made his way towards you. "I'm sorry you think that was your fault. Hydra blew their base to hell, it was not on you. You saved the smaller kids, that counts as something." He said as he gently pulled your hair away from your face and put your hair in a messy ponytail. 

You shook your head. "If I had just carried one or two more each time they would be alive." You muttered as your stomach flipped again and you threw up once more. 

Bucky winced and looked away from you but didn't leave your side. "You did what you could, this is not your fault." He explained as you leaned against the wall and shook your head. 

"Whatever you say Barnes." You mumbled as you closed your eyes. "I think it's time I get in bed." You say and he laughs a little. 

"That's a great idea. But first you're going to brush your teeth." Bucky said and you nodded a little as you reached your arms out for him to help you up. 

Bucky took your hands and helped you stand up slowly. He helped you to the sink where you slowly brushed your teeth and made sure you didn't sway or stumble over anything. After you had finished brushing your teeth he helped you to bed and helped you sit down. 

"I'll put your garbage can by your bed just in case you need it during the night. There's water on the bedside table as well as Advil because I know you'll need it tomorrow." Bucky said as you slid into bed and you smiled gently. 

"Thank you Bucky, I knew I loved you for a reason." You whispered as you closed your eyes and almost immediately slipped into sleep. 

Bucky froze for a second and just looked at you. You two had been dating for about six months but you hadn't said that word to each other yet. He had felt it but he was scared you wouldn't feel the same so he didn't tell you. And you had just told him you loved him while still a little drunk. He kissed your head gently and left your room, a small smile on his face when he finally fell asleep that night. 

The next morning you woke up with a splitting headache and you groaned. "What the fuck?" You asked yourself as you rolled to turn on the lamp on your bedside table, which was a mistake. As soon as you turned it on, you turned it off again. 

You noticed the Advil and water on the table as well as the garbage can still next to your bed, and that's when you remembered what you were doing last night. The memories of sitting on your bed crying and drinking came back to you and then Bucky. He had come in to help you. 

Sitting up you gasped as you remembered what you said. You had remembered you told him you love him. 

You scrambled to get dressed and ready without the lights on and grabbed your sunglasses on the way out of your room. 

Knowing Bucky would be on his morning run you grabbed a cup of coffee and headed towards the park where he runs with Steve. When you got there your headache had gotten worse and the people around you were not helping. When Bucky noticed you he excused himself from Steve and jogged over to you. 

"I didn't think I would see you this early looking so...put together." Bucky greeted you with a smile on his face. 

"Please don't talk too loud. First, sorry about you seeing me like that. The mission just took a big toll on me and I didn't know how to deal with it. Second, I um, I remember what I said last night before you left. It's-It's okay if you-you don't fe-feel the same way. I mean we've only been-been dating for 6-6 months, so like it's okay if-if you don't-" You stumbled through your sentence before Bucky couldn't take it anymore. 

Bucky stopped your nervous stumbling with a soft kiss that made you melt. When he pulled away he had the brightest smile on his face. "I love you too y/n.' He said making you smile. 

You smiled and hugged him tightly causing him to laugh and wrap his arms tightly around you. 

"You're sweaty." You said as you pulled away with him with a disgusted look on your face. 

"I was running before you interrupted me." Bucky laughed causing you to laugh as well. 

"If you two love birds are done, I would like to know if Bucky will be joining me for the last few miles of our run." Steve said as he sauntered up to the pair. 

You made a face at the captain and turned to Bucky. "I mean I need to go back to the tower before I kill someone for talking too loudly or yell at the sun for being too bright because both are killing my head." You explain causing Bucky to chuckle softly while shaking his head. 

"I'm gonna go make sure she's okay while she's this hungover, and doesn't murder anyone. I'll see you at the gym later though." Bucky said and waved at his friend as he draped an arm around your shoulders. 

Even though you were hungover, it was still an amazing day. 


So this inspiration comes from the current hangover I have. It's not that bad but my head is not happy with me. It's a fun time. 

Hopefully you liked the little cinnamon roll that is Bucky Barnes taking care of you. 

If you want to request anything comment or DM me! 

Thanks for reading! 

Avengers imagines and preferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon