Ass Kicker

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This is when Chanel tells Raphael that she is pregnant which happens to be a few months after Leo was supposed to return from his training.

"Come on Chanel. You can do this."

The auburn haired girl mumbled under her breath as she walked down the stairs, reassuring herself that she was going to finally tell her red clad husband that she was carrying his child. She stopped for just a moment once she reached the bottom and looked around the room.

The lair had become a very calm and slightly quite place, especially these past three months. Leonardo had not returned from training like he was supposed to, and to add on to that he had stopped making contact with us.  No one was handling it well but there were two who were taking it the hardest.

Raphael and Isabelle.

Chanel spotted her heartbroken friend sitting in the living room watching one year old Tyler play with his toys. She couldn't help but smile softly as watched the curly haired toddler babble aimlessly, her hand unconsciously rested on her stomach although she wasn't showing yet.

"He's in the dojo."

Isabelle stated without turning around to look at her friend. Her black hair cascading down around her to hide every bit of her expression from everyone but the child in front of her. Chanel simply nodded and made her way towards the closed doors of the dojo. She stood in front of them for moment and listened to the heavy breathing and the pounding of fists into he punching bag.

"Come in Chanel."

His Brooklyn accent rang out from inside the dojo causing the red head to chuckle slightly. She slid the door open to see her husband wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel.

"Hey can we talk?"

She asked softly as she waited for him to look up at her.

"If it's about Leo I don't want to talk bout it."

He muttered as he shook his head slightly his back still turned to her.

"No. Raph this is about us."

She said in a harsh tone causing him to quickly turn around and eye her, not really taken back by her tone more worried about what she was going to say,

"What's wrong princess?"

You could hear the concern in his voice as he stepped closer to her. Without taking her eyes off of him she took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant."

Chanel said softly and waited for his response. Raphael was frozen for a moment his eyes never leaving hers and for that moment Chanel was scared that his response was not going to be good.

"Say something."

The auburn haired girl pleaded with a few tears building up in her eyes. The second eldest turtle said nothing, instead he walked quickly towards her, his eyes never leaving hers. Chanel held her breath as he closed the distance between them.

His rough hands cupped her cheeks and pulled her face in and kissed her passionately. When they pulled apart Raph placed his hand on her stomach, his bright green orbs locked on her chocolate brown ones.

"This baby is going to be an ass kicker."

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