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Elizabeth and Michelangelo get some unexpected news when they have Donnie do a two month ultrasound. But with the happy news comes bad news that ruin everything.

"Are you nervous?"

Mikey as he paced the floor in front of the lab doors causing Liz to laugh. She was sitting on the floor her legs crossed Indian style as she wore a baggy shirt and leggings.

"You know Mikey this is just to see if the baby is healthy. We won't be able to tell the gender."

She watched him rub his head and chuckle slightly.

"I know but I can still be nervous."

Suddenly the lab door opened and Chanel stood in the opening.

"You guys can come in now."

She smile as Mikey helped Elizabeth to her feet. Kelly had gone before them and both of the pregnant women had agreed for it be a family thing. So every turtle brother was in the lab, every wife, and one girlfriend  ( Leo and Isabelle are not married yet) Splinter agreed to watch Ember and Tyler.

"It's perfectly healthy. Do you guys see it?"

Kelly was laying down on the very comfortable chair Donnie had designed for this. But the young couples attention was focused on the screen.

"It's so little."

Mikey muttered softly while Elizabeth simply smiled, her hand reaching down to grab Kelly's hand.


Elizabeth and Kelly had switched spots and Mikey was standing beside her holding her hand. Sitting in chairs close by, in a semi circle around was Raph, Chanel, Kelly, Isabelle, and Leo. There was a silence as Donnie watched the screen, his eyes widening, as he turned his head slightly to look over at the young blonde in the chair.

"Is something wrong D?"

Mikey asked as he noticed the look and felt his wife squeeze his hand in worry.

"Well it looks like you guys are having triplets."

He said softly softly as he showed the screen moving his body out of the. The room was silent as everyone took in the image and before anyone could react Mikey was on the ground unconscious .


Raph and Leo was quickly to his side checking on him, but Elizabeth was staring at Donnie's stone hard face. She was studying to be a nurse, she knew the news he was going to give her was not good.

"Wow triplets."

Kelly said breaking the silence.

"Yeah so much for sleep around here."

Raph chuckled as him and Leo helped Mikey to his feet.

"So did you really say triplets?"

Mikey asked with a brow raised. Liz let out a soft chuckle but the worry could be heard in it and as she looked across the room her eyes landed Isabelle's who didn't seemed phased by it all, she knew what they were hiding.

"Mikey we need to talk about something. Leo please give him your chair."

Leo did as Donnie said and worry really started to grow in the pit of Mikey's stomach.

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