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After a while of trying Isabelle and Leo receive heartbreaking news and another avenue to start a family has to be decided.

Leo and Isabelle had been trying to have a child ever since Leo returned from his training. For almost two years Isabelle has been had stared at countless negative pregnancy test and each time Leo would comfort her..

"It will happen for us."

He would whisper in her ear as he held her in his arms, his lips pressed against her forehead. It finally reached the point where she couldn't handle it, she requested that they both have fertility test done. Donnie preformed the test on Leo while Isabelle went to her doctor. When the test were done Leonardo found out he was as fertile as ever and there was nothing wrong with him. With a smile on his face he went to Isabelle's apartment to share the good news with his wife.

When he arrived he found his wife curled up on the couch with tears rolling down her face, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Maximus was laying down in front of her as if he was trying comfort her.


Leo walked softly around the corner of the couch and sat down beside her, pulling her into his lap.

"I can't have children."

She sobbed into his chest and he simply held her tightly into his chest as silent tears rolled down his own cheeks. After hours of crying and silence between the both of them Isabelle finally told Leo what the doctor had said. She had the same issue with her mother had, and she had a 2% chance of becoming pregnant and the chances of her living through delivery was slim to none.

"I'm sorry."

Isabelle muttered quietly as Leo walked back into the room with a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. He softly handed her the mug before before he moved to pick her and sit her in his lap.

"Baby there's no reason to apologize. There's other ways for us to have kids."

Leo's hand carded through he long black hair, Isabelle simply nodded and curled her head into his chest. The rest of the night neither one them talked the rest of the night, agreeing that they would discuss it in the morning.


After a long discussion Isabelle and Leonardo decided that adoption was the route they wanted to take. With months of waiting came several different emotions and the two became stronger than ever. When they final received the call that someone had chosen them to by a woman in New York who was already eight months pregnant.

"Don't be so nervous."

Leo whispered into his wife's ear as they approached the doors of the agency. She was fidgeting with her engagement ring but she simply nodded and took a deep breath she entered with Leo on her heels. The receptionist at the desk smiled at the two of them as they walked over to sign in.

"Hi there. How can I help you two?"

The young man smiled as Leonardo reached the desk, Isabelle hovered back her nerves getting the best of her.

"Yes we're the Hamatos."

Leonardo explained with a smile, he held his wife's hand and lead her into the room where the woman carrying their child was waiting. When the door opened Isabelle felt like she was looking in a mirror. The woman was a little older than she was with jet black, her skin was a pale shade of white. The two major differences were the woman's emerald green eyes and that she was several inches taller than Isabelle. Not to mention the fact that she was very pregnant.

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