I Love You

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The first half of this is sent set near the end of Leonardo's first year year gone. In which Michelangelo's builds up enough courage to propose. The second half of this is Elizabeth's and Mikey's wedding a year later when the eldest brother has returned.

"Mikey where are we going?"

Liz chuckled as she rode on his shell with a blindfold over her eyes, the crisp fall air rushed past them  and Elizabeth was enjoying every bit of of. Fall and spring were her two favorite seasons.

"We're here."

She could hear the smile in Mikey's voice as they came to a stop. He gently lowered her down and turned to face her, grabbing her hands to stop them the before she could try to take the blindfold off.

"Mikey really? What are we doing out here?"

She put her hands on her hips and stuck one hip out to the side. Mikey smiled at her cuteness and looked around to make sure that no one was around before he walked behind her pulled the blind fold off.

"Central Park."

He whispered as he let her take in the view of the full yellow, orange, and red leaf covered trees that covered the walk way. There were benches on either side and it was beautiful. Elizabeth had never been able to see Central Park in the fall, always too busy but it was always something she wanted to do.

"Mikey this is beautiful

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"Mikey this is beautiful."

She said softly as she turned around, unaware that her boyfriend was down on one knee. When she did see him she gasped in surprise and even though she want much of a cryer she felt the tears building up as he started to talk.

"I'm not good with big talks like this, but I'm gonna try. I tend to be a big screw up and for a long time that's all I thought I would ever be. Then you came into my life and showed me I could be so much more than that. That I could be a goofball and a mighty warrior. What I'm trying to saying is that I love you with all my heart.

Will you Elizabeth June Williams marry me?"

He asked as he opened the little black box that held a simple, small, vintage style ring.  Liz was in full tears by now and she still managed to get words out.

  Liz was in full tears by now and she still managed to get words out

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