Excuse Me

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The family is at odds with one another when a small comment is blown into an argument. One that gets brought to Splinter attention.

For once all the children were out of the lair, now that the triplets were eight months Liz trusted her brother with watching them over night for the first time. Michel was just a little over six months but Kelly trusted April and Casey with him because they always did a great job with Tyler and the other kids.

Since Ember hardly ever left Tyler's side, Chanel had decided to let her stay the night with aunt April and uncle Casey.

"I don't remember the last time it was this quiet in here."

Raph mumbled as he ran his hand through Chanel's hair as she laid her head in his lap.

"Where is Leo and Isabelle?"

Mikey asked as he leaned back against the couch from his spot in the floor, his eyes focused on the TV, Klunk laying on his shoulder.

"They are on their way. They were at Isabelle's apartment."

Donnie answered as Kelly cuddled into chest while he sat on the recliner.

"They always seem to be over there lately."

Liz had to step over Maximus to get into the living room.

"I don't blame them."

Raph mumbled slightly catching everyone's attention.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Kelly asked raising her head up to look at him, Chanel sat up at well and sat beside her husband. Liz simply stood there with a water bottle in her hand waited for a response.

"I just mean that it's been crazy here since Michael and the triplets were born."

A silence filled the room as Leo and Isabelle walked into the room very unware of the rising tension.

"You know 'the triplets' have names. And I'm sorry that my children are causing you discomfort."

Liz crossed her arms over her chest as everyone watched.

"What's going on?"

Leo asked earning just a few quick glances.

"Raph has a problem with our children. What is it? Huh? Is it the noise because they can't be any louder than your precious Ember screaming every morning! "

Kelly was on her feet as she yelled her statement. The TV was suddenly turned off an everyone's attention was on Chanel waiting for her reaction.

"Excuse me? But you did not just bring my daughter into this!"

Chanel and Raph were quickly on their feet.

"If Raph wants to talk about our kids I don't see why we can't bring your perfect little princess into it."

Donnie spoke as he rose to his feet standing next his wife.

"You guys, come on."

Mikey stated as he pushed himself to his feet.

"Shut up Mikey your children never stop crying, a trait they must have picked up from you."

Raph spoke rather harshly to his younger brother.

"They have names! Ava. Sadie. and Ryder."

Liz spoke with anger in her voice.

"We know! We just don't care!"

Kelly yelled back.

"What about your little Tyler and Michael? Two little brats like their mother!"

Mikey almost screamed back.

"Guy's. Seriously you are arguing about your children.

Isabelle stepped closer trying to get their attention.

"You don't have any children. So you don't get a say so."

Chanel turned to look at the ebony haired woman who looked like she had just been smacked in the face by that comment.

"How dare you throw that up in her face? In my face!"

Leo yelled as he stepped forward so that he was closer to the yelling.

The yelling continued for almost an hour, a constant back and forth all about children. Every single person was fuming with anger and it didn't seem to matter that they were family. Two loud knocks caught everyone's attention and made the yelling stop. Splinter was standing in the entrance of the Dojo with a very angry look on his face.

"Dojo. Now."

He ordered as he walked back inside the small room. The boy were the first ones to make their way towards the Dojo, all refusing to look at each other. The girls refused to walk in at the same time but instead one by one they entered.

The boys were down on their knees on the training mat with Splinter in front of them . Each girl went and sat down beside their husbands.

"I am disappointed in each of you."

Splinter turned back around to face his family, all of them refuesed to look up at him. He pounded his walking staff into the ground to get their heads to snap up.

"You will look me while I'm talking!"

He raised voice causing the girls to flinch slightly, since they had never heard him raise his voice.


Leonardo started but Splinter gave him a look that cut him off.

"You are family and you are fighting over your children or that you don't have children. You are not looking at the bigger picture."

He paused for a moment before he continued.

"Your children are a gift for all of you. Even if they aren't your kids they are your family and fighting about them is juvenile."

The girls had no idea what to say but the guys knew that they were in trouble.

"Ember is a princess and that is perfectly fine."

Splinter turned to look at Raph and Chanel.

"Tyler and Micheal can be brats, but one is a todler and one is an infant. Its just how children are that age."

He looked over at Donnie and Kelly before turning his attention to Liz and and Mikey.

"Yes everyone calls your children 'The triplets' because it is easier right now, and it will probarly stick for most of their lives. It happens."

Letting out a sigh he walked to stand in front the Leo and Isabelle.

"And it's okay that you don't have children yet. Your time will come."

Silence filled the room once again as everyone exchanged looks before someone spoke.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. I adore Ember."

Kelly appoligized as tears wealled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about the comment I made to you Belle."

Chanel had tears going down her cheeks.

"Tyler and Micheal aren't brats they are great. It's okay to call my kids 'the triplets'. I do it too."

Liz wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"I love you guys."

Isabelle smiled softly as all the girls stood up wanting to have a group hug. The boys didn't move from their spot as they watched their wives. Splinter smiled at the women, proud at how they were making up, before he turned look his sons his face turned serious again.

"I will see you boys for training at 4 in the morning for the next two weeks."

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