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The last two couple and their confrontations over their bad habits. Emotions are still running high.

Elizabeth and Michelangelo

It was cleaning day and one of Liz's favorite days. But not today, not after what she had found. Mikey hadn't done a very good job of hiding his problem and when Liz cleaned under the bed she was shocked. There were more empty beer bottles than she was willing to count.

Now she sat on the bed, deep in thought with a crate of empty bottles next to her. She honestly had no idea of what she was going to say.

"How's your faviorte day going dudette?"

Mikey's voice rang out as he rounded the corner into the doorway. He stopped instantly when he noticed her and the crate.

"I think we should talk."

Liz spoke softly as she looked up from her hands.

"I never wanted you to know about that."

He said softly as he pointed at the bottles.

"I'm your wife Mikey. You can't keep secrets from me."

She stood up slowly, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"I knew you'd think differently of me. Like I have a problem."

He locked eyes with her as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Mikey this is a problem."

Liz raised her voice a little as she pointed the bottles.

"I have it under control Elizabeth. Keep your voice down, you'll wake the kids."

Mikey put his hand up to try and keep her calm, he had just got the triplets down for a nap. He didn't want their fighting to be the reason they wake up.

"You don't have it under control. Not if your hiding it."

Liz argued as she stepped closer to him, trying to keep her voice down.

"What do you want? A reason? Apology?"

He tossed his hands out to the side and shrugged his shoulders. Liz knew the years had changed him and now he was more mature, but she never expected him to act almpst like Raph in this situation.

"I want you to stop."

She crossed her arms over her chest.

"What if I can't?"

He asked with a brow raised, tears flowed down her face but her face never cracked.

"Then I will take our children to my brothers and we'll stay there."

Her words hurt her just as much as it hurt him.

"Are you actually considering leaving me?"

Mikey sounded hurt and looked like he was ready to break down. Liz walked past her husband and stepped into the hallway. Mikey quickly turned to look after her, she tried to wipe her tears off her cheeks.

"This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I already have a bag packed."

Her eyes were turning blood shot as more tears started to flow. Mikey looked back into the room and noticed the one of Liz's bag packed up along with the spare dipper bags.

"Elizabeth you can't be serious."

He pleaded as he stepped back out to the hall way.

"I'm sorry Mikey, but you have to make a choice."

He watched her as she walked away. He was heartbroken and angry with himself but he knew this was all his fault. Softly he walked back into their shared room and grabbed a bottle out of the crate, he stared at it as his hand squeezed it tightly.

He didn't even reqistor that the bottle had shattered in his hand. The pain of the glass entering his skin didn't even phase him because he knew he deserved it.

Isabelle and Leonardo

Isabelle was angry, to the point where she was ready yell the moment Leonardo walked into the apartment. She couldnt take her eyes off the carton of cigarettes that sat on the counter in front of her. Five packs were gone showing that it wasn't just a phase, it was an addiction.

The door swung open and Leo in his human form walked in with a slight smile on his lips. Until he noticed his wifes face, his eyes drifted to the carton. He let out a sigh as he slipped off his bracelet, turning him back to his normal form.

A silence filled the room as the two looked at each other, Isabelle was the first one to break the silence.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

She asked softly.

"Are we really going to fight about this?"

Leo already sounded aggravated. Isabelle shook her head slightly as she grabbed the file she had sitting on the counter behind her.

"We are about to have a child in our life. After everything we've had to go through to get here, you pull this."

She shook the file at him as she spoke. Everything about the child and the mother was in there.

"It's nothing that I can't control."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I will not have you smoking or smelling like smoke around my child."

She stated harshly as she stepped closer to him, the past couple months had been hard for her and it seemed like everything was falling into place. She was going to have a baby in a couple months even if it wasn't her blood child she was filled with love. She wasn't about to let anything mess with this.

"Belle I can control myself. You know that."

Leo stepped closer to her but she backed up.

"I don't wanna hear about control. I wanna hear you say you'll stop."

Isabelle stated as she pointed at him.

"If I don't?"

Leo asked with stone expression. What he didn't want to admit was that he liked smoking, it helped relive some of his stress. He didn't want to stop his habit.

"Then we can't raise this child together."

She hugged the file into her chest, he eyes watering up just slightly.

"Are you saying you'll leave me over ciggaretes?"

Leo looked taken back.

"I love you with everything in me, but I love this baby too and I have to do what's best for it."

She fought back tears as she spoke, stepping back out so that there was no way he could to touch her.

"Isabelle are you serious? After everything?"

He asked in an angry tone.

"Everthing else we fought together. We both wanted it. But now you don't know what you want more. The ciggaretes or your family."

Isabelle basically yelled the last part as she tossed the file on the counter and turned on her heel to head towards the bedroom.


Leo yelled for her but the only response was the sound of her door slamming . With a sigh he opened the folder and saw the small ultra sound photo on top. The baby was still a tiny little thing and the gender couldn't be detirmred yet.

As he stared at the photo he found himself falling more in love with small baby, even it wasn't his blood knew he would do anything for it. Because it was going to be his child, blood or not.

Roughly he grabbed the carton and headed to the window. He tossed them out knowing that this wouldn't fix everything but it was his road to recovery.

Part 2 of 2

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