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This is the second part of  'Brother' where Elizabeth and Eric finally talk about her relationship with Michelangelo.

Mikey sat on the couch holding his sobbing girlfriend, he blamed himself for the events that had taken place just two hours before. The others were standing off to the side trying to give them some privacy but Kelly and Isabelle watched knowing that at some point that would them. Heart broken about their families reaction towards the appearance of their lovers.

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry."

Mikey mumbled as he ran his fingers through her blonde hair. She pulled back slightly enough so that her puffy blood shot eyes were staring back at him.

"Don't be. It's not your fault."

She said softly with her voice cracking slightly. Mikey thought about cracking a joke in hope of making her laugh but he couldn't even think of one. Eric's words hurt him more then he would care to admit and even he wasn't feeling like being his goofy self.

Soon a ring tone cut both of their thoughts off and quickly Liz pulled her phone out of her pocket. Her brow raised in confusion as she looked at the contact picture for a moment before showing it to Mikey. He didn't hesitate from grabbing the phone out of her hand.

"What do you want?"

Mikeys voice had a lot of anger even Liz was surprised when he abruptly stood to his feet.

"She doesn't want to talk right now."

He looked over at his girlfriend. She stayed seated on the couch and watched her boyfriend talk on the phone with her brother. She watched as his brow knitted up in confusion as he listened to her brother on the other end of the line. Her worry was growing as he simply nodded his head as his baby blue eyes locked on her.

" 20 minutes."


Taking a deep breath Liz walked into the front door of her apartment to be greeted by the smell of pancakes. The blonde shut the door before looking around for her brother. She walked further into the kitchen area where she saw a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream and chocolate drizzle on the top. Beside it was a tall glass of chocolate milk with a long straw.

She walked past that though because what was on the counter caught her attention even more. In a line were picture frames filled with photos. She smiled as she followed the line that started with a picture of Eric holding a new born Elizabeth in his arms, his face twisted up in a look of distaste.

The next was a picture was of 10 year old Eric dressed in nice clothes with his backpack on his shoulder. Five year old Liz stood next to him with a bright smile and blonde hair up in piggy tails wearing a cute little dress for her first day of school.

The next was actually a picture of 11 year Liz and 16 year old Eric arguing about who knows what but the both of them had a vein popping out of their foreheads. That seemed to be a common thing that happened for the next couple of years   nothing but constant bickering.

The next photo was heartbreaking. It contained a photo of the two of them, both dressed in black, Eric's arm around her shoulders as he held her close. His other arm holding an umbrella above them as they stood in the rain and watched as the casket of both their parents were lowered into the ground.

Tears swelled up in Elizabeth's eyes as she moved on to the next and last photo was the one of the day the that we moved into the apartment.

"No matter what we were always there for each other."

Liz turned to see her brother looking at her in the doorway.

"That's all we've ever had."

She mumbled back as she looked at him with tears still in her eyes.

"It's gonna take some time but I'll adjust to your new life."

Eric stepped further into the room.

"To Mikey?"

She asked with a brow raised and watched as his jaw clenched.

" Yes. As long the it keeps my baby sister is happy."

He relaxed into a smile as he embraced his smiling sister. The two siblings stayed like that for a few minute very unaware of the orange clad hero who snapped a photo of their reunion. In his other hand was the now empty glass that used to have chocolate milk.

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