Always Have, Always Will

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When Isabelle and becomes pregnant she is in danger of dying. Leo and the rest of the family try to figure out a way to save her. When they come up short and time is running out a face from Isabelle's past is the one who saves her. (Please read Gwen before this chapter)

It was about three day after Elijah's first birthday when Isabelle found out she was pregnant. She sat on the edge of the tub with the pregnancy test clinched in her fist. The emotions she was feeling ranged from shock, excitement, worry, and fear. She knew all the risks and the strain that it would put on her body.

"Isabelle? Darling? Elijah is ready for his bedtime story."

Leo called out as his fingers knocked on the door of the bathroom.

"Can you come in here for a minute?"

Isabelle called out as her leg started to bounce with nerves. The door slowly opened to revel Leo in his human form holding a tired Elijah in his arms. He had a small smile on his face holding a worn copy of 'King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table'. When he noticed the look on his wife's face his smile disappeared.

"Are you okay?"

His brow arched in concern.

"I'm pregnant."

She muttered softly not taking her eyes off her husbands face.

"I thought you couldn't."

His eyes glanced at the small child in his arms and then back to her. The worry was written all over his face but Isabelle simply smiled and stood to her feet and took Elijah from Leo's arms.

"There was only a two percent chance I could get pregnant."

She whispered as she gracefully took the book from Leo's other hand. Leo turned to watch her walk towards their sons room.

"What's the chances of you surviving?"

Leo called out causing her to stop and turn on her heel, her eyes meeting his and he knew the answer without her even responding.


Isabelle's father recruited one of the best doctors he knew who was fully aware of the situation with Hamato's. After many tests he discovered Isabelle had an underlining kidney disease and the pregnancy was putting extra strain and both of them would shut down. Without a kidney transplant she would die. Finding a donor that matched all the criteria was proving to be harder than what Leo was hoping for.

Chanel, Liz, Isabelle's father and Kelly each were tested to see if they were a match and unfortunately none of them were matches. She was put on the waiting list for a donor and her father tried to convince her that he could afford to her closer to the top of the list. She refused knowing that people had been waiting for years and even if she had the money she didn't have the right to buy her way up the list.

Leonardo was having a rough time with all of this. He had to sit back and watch as the pregnancy started to drain all the life out of her. They decided they didn't want to know the gender until it was born. But because of the fear of the end result, Leo and Isabelle never discussed names.

She would always smile when she was around the family and especially around Elijah. She would continue to read to him and tell him how much 'momma loved him'.

Seven months in Isabelle cut her waist length hair just above the shoulders and the strain on her body was becoming evident.

Barley eight months in she collapsed, unconscious in the living room of their apartment, and when they arrived at Dr. Spencer's he gave Leo the news he had been dreading for months.

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