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The last part of Leo's and Isabelle's engagement. Where emotion's unfold, the past comes out and there has to be a long heart to heart with the  two.

"What are you doing here?"

Isabelle's voice sounded  surprised as she as looked Lance up and down, her face turning a pale shade. He was wearing a simple black tux and stood almost as  tall Leo, his chocolate brown eyes matching his beautiful skin tone, his brown hair cleanly cut.

"I'm sorry Gwen, I know I shouldn't be here."

He mumbled as he stepped closer to the group earning  glares from each one of them. Leo's hand was softly pressed against my back, as he stepped up to stand next to her.

"I don't go by my middle name anymore."

Isabelle never took her eyes off of the man in front of her. After taking a sip of her champagne Chanel cleared her throat, causing the others to all turn and look at her.

"Maybe you would like to tell us about who this is?"

They all nodded in agreement looking between the two awkward individuals, Leo never took his eyes off of his fiancé.

"This is Lance. Somebody that I used to know."

Isabelle dropped her head after she spoke, not missing the look that her father shot her. Lace nodded politely and said hello softly. Leo didn't hesitate to extend his hand out to the man in front of, his face expressionless.

"I'm Leonardo Hamato. Isabelle's fiancé."

Lance took his hand and his expression turned hard when Leo gave it a hard squeeze.

"It was nice to meet you. I'm going to go."

Isabelle watched as the Lance nodded to them and she could tell by his expression that he wasn't leaving the building. He came there for a reason and he hasn't done it yet. She couldn't take her eyes off of his he disappeared into the crowd.

"Do you care to explain?"

Leo asked with a rather upset tone, the tension had clearly rose to the point that it could be cut with a knife. Isabelle's father noticed this and quickly ushered for the rest of the group to leave the area.

"Please can we talk about this later?"

Isabelle's face turned emotionless as her eye's meet his. Leo shoved his hands into his pockets and nodded sharply before turning to walk away.


The engagement ball had been going on for almost two hours. For every picture Leo and Isabelle would pose together, they even danced together several times as if nothing had happened earlier. But Leonardo could tell that her mind was no longer there, even his brothers noticed how odd she was acting.

"I'm worried about her. She's putting on a good show but I can tell she's very upset."

Leo softly spoke but was loud enough to be heard over the music, his eyes were watching Isabelle dance with a coworker as he sat with the others at a table reserved for them.

"Her and that Lance have history."

Kelly mumbled as she finished her third glass of champagne. Everyone's head turned to look at her  as she threw her hands up in surrender and Donnie scooted her glass and his glass out of her reach.

"She's never told us about a Lance."

Liz reassured Leo as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I think Kelly may be right."

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