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Shortly after Micheal is born Kelly decides that she wants her parents to meet her children. Despite Donnie's protest she goes anyway. These events take place before Stupid and Naïve.

"I am still against this."

Donnie muttered as he stared up at huge New York mansion, wearing the bracelet he made to turn him into his human form. Tyler was in his arms playing with his daddy's long hair and giggling without a care in the world.

"I know but were doing this."

Kelly answered as held the portable car seat in her arms, the cover pulled all the way down to hide Michael from anyone passing by.

"If it starts to go bad we leave."

Donnie ordered as they started to climb the steps, Kelly nodded as they reached the large wooden door.

"I think I'm going to throw up."

Kelly mumbled as Donnie knocked on the door. There was a silence and the ache of waiting to see who would open the door.

When the door did open there was an older woman standing there with tired eyes. The last time Kelly had seen her she just had grey roots but now she was full grey headed. Maria looked at her with a mixture of surpised and happy.

"Miss Kelly what are doing here? It's been 3 years since you ran away."

Maria barley glanced over at Donnie and noticed Tyler. She opened the door wider for them to step inside.

"Ran away?"

Kelly questioned.

"Thats what your parents told everyone. They said you ran off one day with no explanation."

Maria held her arm out for their jackets but Donnie shook his head as he shifted Tyler into his other arm. Kelly let the new information set in but honestly it did not suprise her at all.

"I'm actually here to see them."

She stated reajusting her grip.

"They're in the living room."

Maria pointed down the hallway, as if Kelly didn't know where to go. Taking a deep breath the brunnette started to make her way down the hallway, Donnie very close behind her. As she approached she heard the sound of a classic record, the smell of cigar smoke filled her nostrials as well.


Tyler was suddenly reaching for Kelly.

"I'll take Michael."

Donnie said as he handed off Tyler and took the car seat.

"Who's out there?"

Kelly heard her dad call out and it seemed like she was actually going to throw up. She couldn't make her feet move, even throug she stood just before the opening.

"Mama kay?"

Tyler looked at her with his big brown eyes filled with concern even though he had no idea what was going.

"Yes baby."

She smiled and kissed his check before she stepped into the living room.


Her mother jumped off the couch as soon as she walked in. A look of shock, happiness, and judgement.

Her father simply stared at her and turned to look at Donnie who walked in behind her, a confused look on his face as he puffed his cigar

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Her father simply stared at her and turned to look at Donnie who walked in behind her, a confused look on his face as he puffed his cigar.

"Hi mom

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"Hi mom. Dad. I'm here because I want you to meet your grandchildren."

Kelly spoke trying to keep her courage. Her mothers eyes shifted from her to Tyler and then to Donnie and the car seat.

"You have two children? What are their names?"

Her mother asked as she stepped a little closer.

"This is Tyler Cade. That's Michael Levi."

Kelly answered and watched her mother start to tear up as she stared at Tyler. Her mother knew that she had he was named after her son.

"I'm glad to see he turned out normal."

Her father said with no emotion as he pounded out his cigar into an ash tray. Tyler kept his head hidden in Kelly's chest just because he was shy, not because he understood that statement.

"I'm also happy to you're with a normal guy now and not that freak."

Her mother said as she reached out to touch Tyler's curly hair. Donnie's grip tightened on the car seat, trying his best to bite his tongue.

"Who is this man?"

Her father asked.

"I'm Donatelleo."

When Donnie spoke Kelly's parents faces turned white. His voice was not one that they could forget, and that name was one that they hated it.

"It can't be."

Her father was suddenly standing out of his chair. Donnie sat the car seat down and slipped his bracket off, turning back into his normal turtle self right before their eyes.


Tyler exclaimed in joy, while clapping his hands together.

"Does Michael look like him?"

Her mother basically spat the word 'him' as she stepped back. Kelly was getting furious with her parents behavior.

She bent down and pulled the cover back on the car seat revealing the little sleeping turtle tot, who was only 3 months old.

"He does. And he's beautiful. And he's your grandson."

Her parents stared in shock.

"Kelly. Your child is a freak because he is a freak."

Her father said sternly.

"This is a disaster."

Her mother had tears going down her cheeks as backed further away.

"You're right. This was a horrible idea. You'll never accept my husband. You'll never accept me. And you'll never accept my children."


Kelly sat on her shared bed with Donnie, tears still rolling down her cheeks. The whole thing with her parents had her so upset that she hadn't stopped crying since they came home.

"Mama sad?"

Tyler's tiny voice cause her head to snap up from her knees. He had walked right up to the foot of the bed, in his tiny PJs and his teddy bear in his hand.

"Come here baby."

She leaned down and pulled him into bed, setting him in her lap.

"What wong?"

He asked softly as his tiny hand reached up and patted her cheek. Kelly suddenly forgot all about her parents. She knew their opinions no longer mattered.

"Nothing because I've got my favorite person in the whole world right here with me.

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