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Wendy pov
Finally! I confessed to Mark... well... i know..People around us had been saying stuffs like 'He's a playboy' or easy to say, 'he's no good for you' but well..i don't care because I liked him for a long time and I confessed! And you know what~~~~ HE FUCKING ACCEPTED ME ! OMGOMGOMHOMVHDHSH OKKKAYYYY WENDY..CHILL...
Wendy POV end

Well...everything is going fine now... Wendy and Mark spend some time together to know each other well... when The next day Mark proposed her.... She was shocked ! And she unexpectedly accepts it...

She ran back home... and burst into the living room, making Mrs Son and Mr Son look at her...

"Eomma... appa....." called wendy ... she sat down on the couch beside her appa... Her appa looked at her ... a hint of curiosity creep into his mind... Its like he can read wendy's mind...

"Yes honey?do u need anything?" Asked mrs son... She gulped nervously and started.. "Mark My new boyfriend proposed to me and I wanted your-WHAT? YOU'RE DATING THAT USELESS MAN? ARE U OUT OF YOUR MIND YOUNG LADY? AND HE PROPOSED TO YOU?" Shouted her appa standing up from the couch... he totally dont like that Mark guy...since he knows everything about him...

"Yes appa!what is wrong with it? Aren't you happy for me that im marrying the man that i love? You once told me to find a man who could love me for me appa!" Yelled wendy

"Thats it! I forbid you to date him and your eomma and i are not giving blessings"said mr son with a strict tone...

"But appa! me myself and him love each other! And im asking for both of your blessings eomma appa!" Replied her back yelling...

"You are so in a big trouble Son Seungwan" said Mr Son and grabbed Wendy's wrist... He couldn't believe it! His own daughter easily trust what a guy says after 1 day of being in a relationship !! That's why he forbid her to date anyone when she's in her teen age ... but she is 18 now... that means she's free to date anyone.. but this news is just too shocking for both Mr and Mrs son ...

"Argh!Appa!IT HURTS!LET ME GO!! EOMMA HELP ME!" Screamed wendy trying to let go from her appa's grip.. but it was no use..he was stronger than her...

"Stay here for a week! You're grounded for raising your voice to me and your eomma!"
Shouted Mr Son and locked her bedroom door..

"Appa!eomma! Open this door!! Ergh !! ArGghhhhh!! FUCK MY LIFEEE!!!" Screamed wendy hitting the door hoping that it would break into pieces.... but then she got an idea.. She called Mark...

"Erm wendy baby? Whats wrong?" "Fetch me now at my house..i need to escape from eomma and appa..i'll explain later" wendy tried not to be so loud so that her parents wont caught her...

"Ok i'll be there..Window as usual?" "Yea..Palliwa~"

And they hung up...

Minutes passed.... mark threw some stones at wendy's window... And she immediately got her bag and throw it towards mark.. he caught it easily ... She slowly jumped out trying her best not to make any sounds... and she was safe...

"Im sorry eomma..appa... Im going to live my life by myself..thanks for taking care of me for 18 years..saranghae"

Said her heart...

She lived with mark happily without worrying her parents... but they are now worried as mrs son noticed that wendy was not in her room...

Mr son and Mrs son Got in the car to make a report about their missing daughter and mr son asked them to give Mark a lesson...

Till they involved in a car crash accident and Wendy got a call from her aunt...


her aunt gave her a slap...a painful one....

Wendy regretted  everything... But she loves mark so much..She is totally head over heels towards mark...
She had been following him since junior high...And now they're a couple and can you imagine how happy she was when he accepted her?

Both mark and wendy are watching a romantic movie and mark decided to make the 1st move... by kissing her... but Wendy shove him away... she was actually not ready with it...and she was lack of experience....plus she's scared if she messed everything up...


Till their one month anniversary together,Wendy brought couple t-shirts for both of herself and mark... she was planning to kiss mark or we could say make the 1st move... she was already in mark's house... And she was about to knock on his bedroom door.... until....

She heard Mark's Groan...

A girl's moan....

Both of their giggles.....

Wendy was shocked so she had to get back her senses and open the door...revealing.....

A girl was pleasuring Mark.....

Her heart broke into pieces... How could Her Fiance forget their 1st monthsary? And He's even fucking another girl on that day! Unbelievable!

'Thats it' She thought...

She dropped the present and ran out from his house.... Mark was literally chasing over her but it was too late...
He cursed in his head and went back to the girl and continued whats left...

Wendy ran off to the sakura park where its now autumn and all the flowers and dried leaves are falling...
Her heart broke into pieces .... she even dressed up and so on hoping that she could have a candle light dinner with the boy she loved...but instead of dinner, She got a free show... a free sex show in front of her own eyes...

And she regretted for being his girlfriend... She should Just obey her parents in the past! And she lost them because of that useless man called mark! She was indeed stupid for not hearing her friend's advice!

She hated him but...

she still loves him...

(A/n:HEY THERE GUYSEUUU HEHE ok sorry for the lame chapter.. im not good with fight situation or smut situation and so on just forgive me! Wenkook will meet soon on the next chapter! So see ya guys on the next chapter~♡)

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