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"Hey lets try the games and rides after this ok?" Suggest jungkook and wendy's face was pale...

'D-did he said ri-rides?' Said her heart..

"Wen? Are you ok??" Asked jungkook

"Ah? Y-yes ! Im More than ok! HAHA!" replied her laughing awkwardly...


"Welcome to the Horror Mansion! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA"

Wendy POV
Nonononononononono by rides, he didn't meant this right?! Fuck no! I wanna go home~~~~ argh someone help meeeee~~~~~
Wendy pov end

"What are u waiting for? LETS GO!" Jungkook pulled her with him into the Horror Mansion ...

"I DONT WANT TO~!!!!!" Screamed Wendy trying to let go of his grip..
Jungkook stopped halfway...

"Youre scared huh??" Teased him "y-yahh~Im not! I-im not sc-scared ok?" Stuttered her trying to calm herself down...


"ARGHhHhhhhhHh~~~~!!!!!!!!! I WANNA GET OUT~~!!!!!" Screamed wendy hugging jungkook tighter ... she even cried...

(A/n;Please protect her she's a precious cinnamon roll :3)

"Calm downn~~We're almost there~~" said jungkook calming her down and rubbed her back...

"Hiks~~~I hate The ghosts~~ They're so ugly~~ an-and-aRGHHhhhhHhhh!!! go AWAY!!!"

a ghost appeared infront of wendy when she was talking and she screamed as loud as she can ... Jungkook smirked and rubbed her back more ...

5 minutes later...

"We're out...Wendy? You can let me go now.." said him but she wont move..
"I-im sc-scared~" stuttered her

He smiled and walked away with wendy who was still hugging him... They stopped in front of a cute shop and wendy finally gave in... slowly letting go from the hug and stood exactly in front of the shop...

Its a candy shop!!

She ran inside and grabbed a pink heart cotton candy, with a cute mint blue star shaped lollipop...

Jungkook got in quickly and stood beside wendy so that she wont get lost in the 'candy world'


"Wahaaaaa these are so cuteeeee"

"Strawberry,chocolate or vanilla?? Wahaaa I can't chooseee~~"

And again jungkook sneakily took her pictures... but this time he didn't get caught....

They got out from the shop with a bag filled of various kind of peperos, sweet sour Candies and biscuits ..
Wendy was skipping happily while munching on the pepero that jungkook bought for her...

Then a booth caught her eyes...

"Jungkook! Look there! Can we try it? Pretty pleaseeee~~" whined wendy doing aegyo... "Ok lets go~" replied him happily ...

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