WenKook - One Of These Nights

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Jungkook was famous..he's in the most popular boy group in Korea and his popularity got recognized by mostly fans around the world...

And there's Wendy..who's from Canada..She had used to Korea already and she is indeed the most talented in Red Velvet...

She can Sing well(her vocals) ,she can dance,she can rap,she can play instruments and so on.. like she's unique!

But the thing she hadn't notice was.. Jungkook had been eyeing her since her debut days Happiness ERA

Wendy,despite being in a rookie group for almost 3 years was too focused on her work rather than notice guys who had crush on her...

One day during they finished their promotions,They bumped into each other...

"Ah,sunbaenim!Im so so so sorry!" Bowed wendy and clasped her hands together as a 'sorry' .. Jungkook gasped at first but bowed back.. He really wanted to talk to her but he just cant...

"Jungkook-ah~Come on! Its our turn any minute by now!" Shouted V from their dressing room.. Wendy bowed again then went back to Red Velvet's dressing room...

But before she could step back,Jungkook managed to open his mouth..

"Wendy-shi..Nice meeting you..I hope we could be friends.." then he ran towards his dressing room to get ready..leaving wendy puzzled with his words...

He is indeed the first senior who talked to her like that.. Its not rude but its just the way he talked to her.. she got butterflies like for about 5 seconds or so..

"Wendy! Come on! We're gonna miss our favourite Boy group! I need to see Jimin perform!" Whined seulgi tugging her dress...

"A-ah.. okayy~come on lets go!" Replied her...


"BTS! BTS! BTS! BTS! BTS! KYAHHH!!" Armys are chanting over and over again and BTS got their energy immediately despite being a busy and tired hot popular boy group...

"BANGTANSONYEONDAN FIGHTING!" Shouted bts before performing... in the corner of Jungkook's eyes, He saw Wendy was watching their performance.. but he sure knows that she's not looking over him .... and he's wrong ;) wendy was eyeing him ;)

"OMG LOOK AT JIMIN! HE LOOKS SO HANDSOME OH MY GOD KILL ME NOW PLEASE" Fangirled seulgi... Wendy gave a smile and a short giggle...



Wendy and Seulgi were both tired due to fangirling.. They went backstage and both wendy and seulgi bumped into BTS...Jungkook was embarrassed and Nervous cuz wendy was the person he bumped into...

"Sunbae! You did very well!! Jimin-ah.. lets go and grab something to drink" said seulgi pulling jimin to the small cafe for idols... And the rest of bts members went to the changing room... leaving wendy and jungkook standing on the same spot...

"Um Hi again" said jungkook getting red... "um h-hi...Sunbaenim,You d-did well with your performance~" praised wendy rubbing her neck ...

Jungkook gave a nervous laugh "thanks..red velvet did a good job too.. Especially you with the vocals.." praised him back... then she blushed


"Hey lets go grab something to drink.. Im thirsty" Jungkook grabbed her wrist and lead to the cafe where seulgi and jimin had gone too..

(A/n:for you info,Seulgi and Jimin are both having a secret relationship together HAHAH LOLS)

"OUH!Wendy!Jungkook! Come join us!" Shouted seulgi looking over wendy n jungkook who just entered the cafe together ...

They chit chatted while drink some cold drinks... They had fun chatting together...

"Um..Me and Jimin had to go now.. Bye bye~i'll see you back at the van okay wendy?" Said seulgi getting up with jimin..Wendy and jungkook nodded and they were left..

"So noona~Can I Have your number?" Asked jungkook cutely.. Wendy laughed handing him her number...
"Is Seulgi noona and Jimin Hyung a thing?" Asked him... "Yea i guess so... They are the 'no jams couple' tho keke so cute" said wendy playing with her drink..

"Lets be Haku and Kanaoshi couple then" said jungkook holding her hands... "w-what?" Asked her looking at him and their faces were inches away...

"I know you liked kanaoshi..And i like haku..We could be Haku and Kanaoshi~perfect together~" said him with his cute smile.. made wendy laughed nervously...

"Dont joke around jungkook-ah~ Im older than you~What will our fans say?"

"I dont care..I still want to be yours and i want you to be mine..deal?" Asked him getting up.. wendy nervously nods her head ...

"I'll call you tonight noona..Or jagi ;) " said him giving a wink and heading to his van..but he stopped on his track and went back to wendy...


"Goodbye for now jagi~i love you" whispered him

'He kissed my cheeks OMONAAA~~' squealed wendy from the inside..she touched her cheeks and smiled..

"I lo-love you too~" replied her ...

They went to their separate ways and had a long distance love...

Im sorry guys idek what the heck im writing.. i hope u could forgive me LMAODBAJS SORRY! I hope i satisfy all of the wenkook shippers out there WinK WonK! ;) bye bye~♡

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