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Wendy pov
I was awaken by my alarm..I was sleeping with jungkook on the couch with his head on my lap.. he seemed tired.. tired of protecting me i guess? Ouh! I need to buy some supplies at the pharmacy! Hm..its 8:00 am now.. i better go now before jungkook wakes up...
Wendy pov end

Wendy slowly took a pillow and replace her lap with the pillow.. Luckily jungkook didn't wake up with her actions..She sighed in relief and jogged towards her bathroom to clean herself up...

It was 8:15 when she was walking to the pharmacy..yep it was nearby her house... She needs to buy some supplies and medical stuffs for jungkook since he was injured yesterday...

Suddenly she got pulled inside a black van...

"ARGH! LET ME GO! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" screamed her but it was no use.. no one could hear her screams...

"Hi darling~miss me?"

'That voice' thought her

"Remember me?"

"Mark" said her with gritted teeth..

"Ouh you remembered~good then"

"Let me go!! Please!" Begged her..

Mark just smirked ... they arrived infront of the Han river... there's an old building... Wendy's hands and legs got tied and a tough guy carried her into the building.. all she could do was keep on crying and scream although her voice cracked due to alot of screaming...

"Mark~let me go~~"

"Not just yet pretty princess" said him touching her lips..wendy try to avoid him..

"Im gonna call your 'Oh So Called Boyfriend'...and lets sit back and watch whether he'll come and save you or not..." Said mark in a teasing tone...


"Hyung..Wendy got kidnapped"
Said jungkook through the phone call.. He called seokjin ..




"We know who Mark is..We're in the same college last year..." said Taehyung and Jimin in chorus when Jungkook told everything to them...

"We dont have much time..we need to save her NOW" said him with gritted teeth worrying about her..


Wendy tried to escape for like the 3rd time...But Mark always noticed her trying to escape... And he always puts the gun towards her temples to scare her ...

"If you try to ever escape..I'm gonna shoot you"




"WEN!! WENDY!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" shouted Jungkook..they came with some police and they're hiding... Jungkook will show himself first before the others....

"J-jungkook~Im in here~save me please~~" cried wendy out.. Jungkook immediately break the door and he saw wendy lying on the floor with her hands and legs tied..

He ran towards her and hugged her "are you o-okay? Did that bastard hurt you?? Wen~?" A tear escaped from his eye... He was frightened.. And scared.. he's scared to lose the girl that he love...

Once she's break free from all the ropes and so on... Jungkook sneakily held her hands and brought her outside...

"Say bye bye to Happy Endings..."


Wendy saw Mark shoot the bullet.. she quickly moved and protected Jungkook...the bullet got shoot at her back... blood running out from her back.... she cried and cupped his cheeks... Jungkook was screaming and crying begging her to fight the pain...

"I-i... L-love you ...hiks~ ple-please forgive me..." whispered her


The police came in and shoot mark ... He was lying on the floor with blood splattered everywhere... while jungkook carried wendy and brought her in the car where the others are and drove to the nearest hospital....

'Will she survive?'

To be continued~~
(A/n:HEY THERE! OMG WENDY GOT KIDNAPPED ! she sacrificed herself and even protected jungkook~~ Omomomo too much feels this morning lol~anyways the next chapter will be the last chapter sugar readers~~Please wait for it okayy??i leb u guys so much! Thanks for reading,voting and commenting~~ see u on the next chapter~♡♡)

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