Dog and Mouse

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   Namara Black was sitting under a tree listening to her cousin and his friends argue. She was one of the few people who knew that Remus Lupin was a werewolf, and that his friends were animagus.

   Resting her head back against the tree, Namara listened more intently on their conversation:

  "The fact that you ate a mouse just grosses me out," James was saying.

"You ate a mouse?" Remus asked, trying to mask his surprise.

"I just wanted to know what it tasted like, and I was in dog form!" Sirius protested. "And I bet Remus has eaten plenty of mice while he was in furball mode, and nobody gave him any crap!"

"Remus can't help it," James said, running his hands though his hair. 

"I didn't want him to be alone in his mouse-eating."

"Guys, this is getting kind of weird," Remus said quietly. 

"Yeah, Sirius, Look how uncomfortable you made Wormtail! You know rats are related to mice?" James said in mock outrage. 

 Peter didn't say anything, just looked slightly uncomfortable. Remus rolled his eyes.

 Sirius and James went back and forth about the mouse for the next ten minutes, and Namara knew they could do it all day,


  That night in the dining hall, James leaned over, pointed at the stew, and whispered in Namara's ear, "Stew's good. Though Padfoot would probably rather eat a rat"

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