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  "Ugh, I swear, I'm going to slap her into oblivion," Astoria muttered to Katria. Katria and Astoria were sitting in the library trying to work on astronomy homework, but Pansy Parkinson was desperately trying to get Draco Malfoy to talk her. 

 Being Astoria's best friend, Katria felt as outraged as Astoria, and began shooting Pansy dark looks. "I wonder how much trouble we'd be in if we hexed her mouth shut?" Katria whispered back. 

 "I don't know, but it would probably be worth it. I don't know if she knows, but people come to the library to study, not to find a mate," Astoria said, flipping angrily through her astronomy book. 

 "If I didn't know better Astoria, I'd say you were jealous," Katria smirked.

"I am not jealous of Pansy Parkinson, have you seen her?"

"So you admit your mad that she's eyeing your man?" Katria gave Astoria a knowing look. 

"No. Look at Draco," Astoria nodded her head in his direction. 

 It was obvious Pansy was making Draco rather uncomfortable, and he kept shrugging off the hand she was placing on his shoulder. Finally Draco snapped, "Look Pansy, I've already got a girlfriend." Then Draco practically sprinted out of the library.

 Astoria and Katria did their best to stifle their laughter, then Astoria turned to Katria, "Guess who's got a date?"

 Katria smirked at Astoria, "See, told you."

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