Illusions and Mermaids

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  Morganna Malfoy rolled over and slammed her hand down on her alarm clock. Praying that she'd hit the 'snooze button'. The alarm clock had been a gift from her boyfriend James, he said muggles used them. Morganna found it fascinating, especially how the time was shown on the clock as well, and how it knew how to beep at the right time.

  Normally, Morganna jumped out of bed in the mornings, she loved Hogwarts, but lately it had become more like a hellish maze. As Morganna had gotten older, her resemblance to her grandfather, Lucius Malfoy had gotten stronger. James didn't mind, and neither did her closest friends, but lately a group of RavenClaw boys had taken it upon themselves to torment her. 

 Pulling on her robes, Morganna walked into the Slytherin Common Rooms. To non- Slytherin students, the common room would look like a dungeon. With mildew on the furniture, rusty iron furnishings, and damp stone walls. This was all an illusion. In reality, the stone walls were dry, and the cheery firelight from silver and gold torch braziers lit the walls. The room was littered with soft green furniture, and silver pillows. Green and black plaid blankets draped over the furniture, it was home to Morganna.

 Not that Morganna didn't adore her parents, and enjoy begin home, but she also saw Hogwarts as a sort of home away from home. A loud tap distracted Morganna, it was a mermaid tapping on the glass.

 Since the Slytherin Common Rooms were under the lake, there was a large glass viewing area where you could look into the lake. The mermaids used to swim up and bang angrily on the glass, Morganna's father had said that he used to worry they would crack the glass. But a Slytherin who had a deaf sibling had taught them sign language, now almost everyone in Slytherin learned to sign to the mermaids. Draco had also warned Morganna not to take dating advice from the mermaids, and as she learned what they were saying, she realized why. The mermaids were incredibly rash and violent creatures.

 Grabbing her bag, Morganna braced herself and got ready to head to her first class of the day. 

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