Your Not a Monster

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   James, Sirius, and Peter were all standing in front of Remus, and Namara was sitting in the corner. The four friends had just approached Remus and told him that they knew his secret. 

 Now Remus Lupin was standing in the middle of their room, shaking like a leaf, his whole body trembling. 

 Sirius knew that Remus probably expected them to throw him out, call him a monster, tell the whole school his secret. "Of course we're not going to have you kicked out!" Sirius blurted, "Why on earth would we do that?"

 Remus looked down, his hands shaking, "Because-because I'm a monster!"

 James crossed his arms,"You're being dramatic. You fold your socks, Remus. Forgive me if I'm not trembling at the sight of you."

 Namara stood up, "Their right Remus. Of the four of us, you are not the scariest. I say four because Peter doesn't even rank on the 'scary scale.'"

  Remus seemed confused, "So you're not-you're not afraid of me?"

"We'll never be scared of you Remus," Peter piped up from his position against the opposite wall.

 "You don't...but...but, I mean...werewolves, they're not exactly popular..." Remus stuttered, "And for all you know, I could be dangerous!" 

 "Honestly Lupin, what part of 'you fold your socks' isn't getting through?" Sirius retorted.

 But Remus seemed unable to grasp that his friends had accepted him, he looked down at his hands. The light from the fire dancing across his face, casting a light onto his scars. Before he could say anything, James spoke again, "That's enough about that Remus. We are your friends, and you are not, nor will you ever be."

 James crossed the room in a few strides, and crushed Remus Lupin in a hug. 

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