The Battle of Hogwarts

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  Astoria couldn't believe what was happening. After Dumbledore had died, all hell had broken loose at Hogwarts. Harry Potter and his friends didn't come back for their last year, and Snape had made Hogwarts feel like more a prison than a home. But Harry Potter had shown up, and the students had started fighting back. 

   The students had been given the option to leave, almost all of the Slytherins had. Astoria couldn't blame them, if they stayed they wouldn't be fighting deatheaters, they would be fighting friends, and family. Parents and Older Siblings. Astoria didn't care, there was only one person at this school she cared about, and he had left with the rest of the Slytherins. So she ran through the melee firing off curses at any deatheater she saw. Then she heard a high pitched scream and the sound of someone pleading with a death eater, she rounded the corner to find Draco trying to reason with a deatheater.

 "It's me Draco, you know my Father. Aleci, we both serve the Dark Lord," Draco pleaded, backing up against the wall. 

 Astoria knew Draco only took on the Dark Mark to survive, so she didn't hesitate before pointing her wand at the Death Eater, "Avada Kedavra."

 He fell forward with a cry, landing with a muffled thump. "Come on Draco," Astoria offered Draco a hand, pulling him to his feet. "Your parents are running around screaming for you."

  Draco and Astoria kept a tight hold on each other's hand as they fought their way to Lucius and Narcissa. Astoria talked the entire time, "Draco, anyone ever tell you that you scream like a girl? Hey watch that one! Stupefy!"

  As soon as they reached the Malfoy's, Astoria dropped Draco's hand, and jumped back into the fight before Draco could stop her. This was her home, and she would be proud to die fighting for it.

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