It's Raining Men

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  Astoria was sitting on the grass of the quidditch field, trying to concentrate on her homework. She'd given up her place on the Slythering quidditch team, though she was confident she could get it back once her leg was completed healed. The team was practicing above her, and she could hear the coach shouting at Draco.

  Suddenly, she noticed that someone was flying towards the ground, some idiot had fallen off his broom. She'd bet 10 galleons it was Draco. She whispered a spell to slow his fall, and he thudded into the ground next to her, cursing loudly.

 "Would you look at that, it's raining men-Hallejuah," Astoria commented dryly. 

 Draco shot her an irritated look as he climbed back onto his broom and took to the sky. 

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