Judge the Heart Not the House

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   Samantha Wilson had just been sorted into Slytherin, and Morganna had noticed that she looked like she was holding in tears throughout the entire walk to the slytherin table. She was silent throughout dinner, and looked terrified as soon as they entered the common room.

  While everyone headed to their respective sleeping places, Samantha sat in front of the fire, with tears in her eyes. Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, and Morganna Malfoy all made eye contact and nodded to each other. Albus, and Scorpius sat down on either side of Samantha, and Morganna sat down in front of her.

 "What's wrong Samantha?" Morganna asked gently. 

"I-I don't belong here," Samantha said, hiccuping. 

"What makes you think you don't belong in Slytherin?" Scorpius asked.

"I'm, I'm not a bad person, and my whole family's been in Gryffindor."

"Just because your a Slytherin doesn't mean your bad. Our house gets a bad wrap, but we're changing that. You were placed in Slytherin because are Smart enough to be RavenClaw, and Brave enough to be in Gryffindor; but you are also ambitious, which means you'll actually set out and use those traits to help you achieve a goal." Morganna said, running her hands through her hair. 

"Yeah, my parents where both in Gryffindor. Heck, my father killed the Dark Lord! And I'm in Slytherin," Albus said, trying to be helpful.

 Morganna and Scorpius both shot him dark looks, and Scorpius poked him in the ribs.

 "There were plenty of losers in the other houses. Peter Pettigrew was a Gryffindor and he was a slimy little prat. Severus Snape and Regulus Black were heroes, who died to bring about the end of The Dark Lord," Morganna said. "They were in Slytherin."

 "There's nothing wrong with being in Slytherin. I understand that you miss your family, but we all did our first night here. Soon your Slytherin companions will become like a second family to you," Scorpius promised.

 "I guess, Thanks guys," Samantha said. Morganna motioned for Elise, a Slytherin second year to help Samantha find her luggage.

  As soon as Samantha was out of earshot, Morganna turned to Albus, "My father defeated the Dark Lord, really?"


"Your Father was a Gryffindor stupid, and Voldemort was a Slytherin. We were trying to convince Samantha that Slytherin house was just as good as the others," Scorpius said. 

"I thought it was a good point. Besides, my father was the chosen one, so I win," Albus said.

 Scorpius threw a pillow at him and grinned, "My father will hear about this."

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