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   Astoria Greengrass was in the hospital wing. Again. She'd been knocked off her broom during a match, and had broken her leg. Again. Madame Pomfrey had said she could leave in the morning, so she had to spend the night in the hospital wing. There'd been a commotion about 10 minutes ago, but Madame Ponfrey wouldn't tell Astoria what was going on.

 So when Draco came to visit her, she decided to ask him, "What's going on out there?"

 Draco looked like he was bursting with information, "Weasley's been poisoned!" He said excitedly.

 Astoria choked on her pumpkin juice, "By who?"

"Who cares?" Draco said, obviously excited that something bad had happened to one of his enemies.


  A week later Astoria was on her way to the hospital wing, her leg had been bothering her, and Madame Pomfrey had asked her to check in. She could hear Lavender Brown's simpering voice, coming from Ron's bed in the hospital wing. Lavender had become obsessed with Ron Weasley, and Astoria thought it was hilarious. 

 She could hear Ron mumbling something, and poked her head around the door, deciding to eavesdrop. 

  Now Hermione and Lavender were arguing. Professor Dumbledore, Professor Mcgonagall, and Snape were all stand there, just watching. Dumbledore looked like his favorite show had just come on. 

  Lavender Brown suddenly rushed towards the door, nearly knocking Astoria over, Lavender was crying. Astoria decided her leg didn't feel so bad after all, gosh, Draco would have a hay day with this. 

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