At a Bar in the Afterlife...

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   Oh god. He was at it again, Namara had hoped that dying would have made Sirius more mature. NO such luck. Right now he was on is sixth flagon of firewhisky, and had climbed up onto the table. 

 He cleared his throat loudly, "Listen up losers. Everyone thinks Snivellus is the hero of Slytherin. Allow me to introduce you to my baby brother Regulus Black. He defied the Dark Lord when he was just a teenager" 

  Reulus's face was red, and he was trying to pull Sirius off the table, "Sirius, stop, Severus and I are friends."

 But Sirius went on, "He died trying to destroy a horcrux, dragged down to his death by the undead. All Snivellus did was be a complete git to my godson and then give Harry information before he got killed."

 Remus was rubbing his forehead, but Tonk's looked like she was having the time of her life. At this point, Sirius had fallen off the table and crashed to the ground. His glass shattered and his long black hair hanging in his face. 


  Hello guys! Sorry this one was so short but I wanted to get your vote on something. Do prefer Second Generation, Marauder's Era, or Original Story one-shots?

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