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  Namara Black felt sorry for Severus Snape, she really did. After the incident with James and Lily in the broom closet, she'd resolved to be nicer to him. But he was making that extremely difficult for her, he was the rudest person she'd ever met.

  She'd put up with him for a week but finally snapped when Sirius was making fun of Snape. Again. She'd told Sirius to knock it off, and Snape had told her that both she and her cousin were blood traitors.

 That was it. Namara didn't often use magic against the other students, but when she did, she used powerful magic. Whispering a curse, she directed her wand at Snape. There was a flash of light, and in his place was a black bat. 

  "Don't worry Snivellus," she said as she walked away, "It'll wear off in about 5 minutes, and then you can go back to being your usual pathetic self."

   As soon as they were out of earshot, Sirius turned to her, "This cousin, is why I haven't disowned you yet. Nice spell!"

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