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  Morganna Malfoy was sitting nervously at the Slytherin table. She could see her boyfriend, James waving at her from the Gryffindor table. Morganna gathered her platinum blond hair and threw it over her shoulder, looking anxiously up at the row of first years. Her little brother Scorpius was about to be sorted, she could see him shaking from here. She knew Scorpius was nervous that he wouldn't get placed in Slytherin, even though their father had told them he'd be proud no matter what house they were in. Morganna remembered her first sorting, she hadn't been nervous. She'd known she'd be in Slytherin, Morganna wasn't a mean person, but she was extraordinarily ambitious, and cunning. The hat had barely touched her head before shouting Slytherin. 

 Right now it was sitting on the head of Albus Potter, and taking a rather long time to choose. When it shouted "Slytherin!" the boy's face was a mixture of shock and disappointment. Morganna couldn't believe a Potter had been sorted into Slytherin, and clapped loudly as he walked slowly toward the table.

  But she couldn't congratulate him for long, as it was soon her brothers turn. Scorpius looked extremely nervous, and the hat seemed to be having trouble deciding. The great hall was silent, then it shouted "Slytherin!"

  Morganna stood up clapping loudly, and grabbing her baby brother in a hug as soon as he was within reach. He sat down next to her, and then said something to Albus, who smiled. Morganna was glad they had already become friends. 

 She was filled with pride for her little brother, though she would have been proud regardless of his house. As everyone else was being sorted she leaned over and whispered in her brother's ear, "Congratulations Scorpius, Father will be please to have another Slytherin in the family." 

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