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  Astoria rolled her eyes as Pansy Parkinson's voice carried across the table, she was fawning over Draco Malfoy. He had recently been injured in an accident with a Hippogriff, Astoria knew that it was probably just a scratch, but Draco was acting as though he'd had his arm nearly cut off.

 "If it weren't for Madame Pomfrey, I reckon I could have lost my arm," Draco said, raising his voice slightly. Trying to get Astoria's attention, though she ignored him completely.

 Draco went on and on about the pain until Astoria muttered under her breath, "Keep on like that and we might as well just cut your arm off, sounds to me like it would hurt less."

  "Does it hurt terribly Draco?" Pansy Parkinson simpered. 

 "I don't know Pansy, come with me, I'll throw you in front of an angry hippogriff and you can find out," Astoria snapped. Grabbing her books, Astoria went to go and sit at the RavenClaw table, she needed to talk to Katria. 

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