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   Namara was sitting with her legs crossed on Remus's four poster bed, her head on her chin, listening to the marauders argue. They'd been at it for the better part of an hour, and so far no one had figured anything out. 

 "For the last time Sirius," James snapped, "We are not calling Peter 'Rabies'"

 Peter looked slightly embarrassed, and Sirius looked highly offended that James didn't like his idea. They were trying to figure out nicknames, and the ones they had come up with were ridiculous. 

 "Prancer?" Remus suggested.

"Remus if you call me 'Prancer' one more time I will ram you into a wall," James threw a pillow at Remus,"I swear to Merlin's beard."

"What about antlers?" Namara suggested, readjusting her position on the bed. "Or Bambi?" 


"Wait a sec!," Sirius jumped up, "That's brilliant Namara! We'll call him 'Prongs!" With that, he tackled Namara in a hug, knocking her off the bed. 

 James seemed to be in deep consideration, "Hmmmm, I like it! Prongs it is!"

"That's one down, three to go!" Peter said. "Any more ideas Namara?"

 "Sorry Peter, but I've all out of rat-related names."

"Ratboy?" Sirius said, managing to sit up. 

 Peter shook his head violently. Prongs fit James, and to be honest, she was a fan of Sirius's name for Peter. Rabies. Namara had never liked rats, their long winding tails freaked her out. 

  "What about furball for Sirius?" Remus asked.

"No way wolfboy."

"What about snuffles?" Namara said, grinning at her cousin.

"Oooh! I've got it, Padfoot!" James shouting, jumping up and shouting in triumph. 

"Yes! That's brilliant Prongs, absolutely Brilliant!" Sirius yelled in response.

 "Guys, if you don't shut up, you'll have a teacher in here," Namara hissed. 

"Now for Wolfboy's code name," Sirius said, turning serious. 

"I like wolfboy," James offered.

"It gives away too much, and I'm not a big fan of including 'wolf' in the name," Remus protested.

 Namara thought hard, Remus's name had to be perfect. Namara really cared about Remus, and she hoped he thought the same of her. But they could never be together, Remus would never be with anyone, he thought he was unclean because he was werewolf. So Namara had resolved to be a good friend, and she wanted to think of the perfect name. Werewolf, full moon...Moon phases...Changing...Moon...Moony!

 "Moony!" Namara said, catching everyone by surprise. 

 Remus seemed to be considering it, "I love it Namara!"

  "Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs," James said, "I like it. The Marauders."

"What about me?" Peter whined.

 "Hush Peter, we'll get to you."

 "Wait, Namara, you said a rat's tail freaks you out, right?" Sirius said. Peter looked a little embarrassed. "You said that rat's had a long scaley tail, that looked like a worm..." Namara could practically see the gears turning in her cousin's head. "Wormtail!"

 "The Marauders... Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs!" Namara said smiling. 

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