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      She was pregnant. Again. How was she going to tell everyone? What about them? How would Reagan react to this. Sure, she loved her 'cousin', but another sibling? Regina was lost in thought when Robin said," Wow." They were both taken aback by the news. "You're pregnant around the same time as Emma. They truly will be cousins now." Robin laughed, then looked up to see his wife's worried face. "Love what's wrong?" He rubbed his hands over her arms to calm her. "I'm pregnant. Again. Robin what should I do?" She finally looked into his eyes. "Well I guess we should be getting the guest room turned into a nursery. This little one will be here before we know it." He laughed.

     "Mommy, are you sure you are okay?" Reagan asked once again. "Honey you know i'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Regina had been a bit out of touch since the news. "Because you and Papa stay up late talking about something when you think i'm asleep." Regina gasped, aware of her daughter listening to their late night conversations. "Reagan! Why are you still up that late? You know you are supposed to go to sleep at 8 o'clock. Honey, I truly am fine. There's no reason for you to worry or be up that late."Reagan nodded. "I'm sorry Mommy. I was just scared because you and Papa used to just go to bed but then you started talking late at night." Reagan stopped coloring her picture and hugged Regina. "Oh honey its okay." She wrapped her arms around her daughter, hoping they wouldn't have to have this conversation again.

     "Mommy! Papa! Wake up!" Reagan jumped on their bed, landing on Regina's stomach. That got her up. She groaned in pain, then rolled off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Robin heard her gag once and was up ready to hold her hair back. He pulled her hair into a ponytail and rubbed her back soothingly as she emptied her stomach. "What's wrong? Did I hurt Mommy?" Reagan ran into the bathroom, extremely worried. "No honey. She's fine. She's just a little sick." Robin told his daughter. "Go sit in your room until she's feeling better." Reagan was about to speak when Robin said," That wasn't a request. We'll be out soon." Reagan nodded then ran out of the bathroom."Robin we have to tell her sometime soon. She's going to find out anyway. I think sooner is better than later, given the fact that she landed right on my stomach. Could that hurt it?" Regina was worried. Robin nodded, then said,"Alright. And with her landing on your stomach, we could go to the doctors and get a check up. You have one this week anyway right?" She nodded. Robin stood up then helped Regina up. "Let's go tell her." Regina nodded, grabbing her tooth brush.

    "Reagan, there's something you need to know." Robin said. They were all sitting down at the breakfast table eating. "I knew something was wrong! You both lied to me! Why?" Reagan yelled. "Reagan honey. We didn't lie. We were actually telling a partial truth. Okay?" Regina said trying to calm her daughter down. Reagan just nodded. "Alright. So you know how Papa and I having conversations at night?"Reagan nodded and Robin looked confused. Regina put her hand on his thigh to comfort him. "Well, those conversations were about this news. You're going to be a big sister!" Regina said smiling. Reagan jumped up in her chair. "Henry's gonna be a big brother too! There will be two babies now!" Regina and Robin both smiled, unaware of how their child knew Emma was pregnant, but they didn't really care."Now Reagan. Don't go telling everyone you know. Mommy and I want to tell certain people, but not all right now. So this is our little secret for now alright?" Reagan nodded and jumped into her mother's lap. "Am I hurting the baby?" She asked. "No, not right now. But be sure you jump on Papa, not me. I don't want the baby getting hurt." Reagan nodded, then hugged Regina and Robin. The news was out, now if Reagan could actually keep it a secret.

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