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  Emma and Killian knew about the baby, and they were the first ones to know. Emma had screamed because of how excited she was. Regina had to admit that she was happy that they were pregnant around the same time. They were the first time as well, but they were still going to college. Now they had a lot of time ahead of them to share the joy. Emma had a small bump while Regina was still fairly flat. Robin and Killian were happy that they could actually do something useful for a change. They had both been the ones to go straight to bed, but now they had to put the kids to bed because Emma and Regina passed out at 7 o'clock. No one else knew about the babies except for the two families. 

   "Regina. Hey how are you?" Cora asked. Her daughter almost never called, and when she did, something was wrong. "Can you put the phone on speaker so Daddy can hear too?" Cora did as asked, then asked,"Regina, honey what's wrong. Are you okay? Is it something with Robin?"She was worried when she didn't say anything. "Is Reagan alright?" Regina laughed into the phone. Her mother was so worried about nothing. "Mother, I was going to ask if you and Daddy would come to the house next week. Reagan misses you and so do I." Cora was skeptical, but agreed. Regina had planned on telling them about her pregnancy on the phone, but decided to wait until Robin was with her and they were in person. Emma had already told Killian's parents. Regina thought her own parents should know. Perhaps she should invite Grace and Jeffery too. They need to know about the baby too. The only problem would be getting them here. They had moved back to England when Robin graduated high school. She planned on calling them to tell them the news, but of course she wanted Robin with her when she told his parents. Perhaps they could fly to England to surprise them along with the news.

  "Hello love.I'm home." Robin called out when he opened the door to their house. "Regina? Where are you?" He was worried because she wasn't in her study like she usually was when he came home. He found her in their room with the laptop. He tapped on the screen and she said, "Hmm? Oh hello. Sorry I've just been looking for plane tickets all day. By the way my parents are coming over next week. I want to tell them soon before I start showing." Regina shut the laptop and hugged Robin."Why are you looking for plane tickets. Are we going somewhere?" He had no information on this. "Oh yeah. I wanted to visit your parents and surprise them along with the news." Robin nodded and asked, "Where's Reagan?" He hadn't seen her or heard her at all that day. "She's spending the night with Eva. Remember?" He nodded. He had forgotten about that. Well that gave them more time along before the baby came.

  "Hello darling. I was worried when you called. You almost never do." Cora said hugging Regina. "Sorry about that. It's been a bit hectic around here lately. Hi Daddy." Regina hugged her father, then ran into her room. Reagan came out with a sleepy grin on her face. Just like her father in the morning. When Reagan saw her grandparents she ran to them for hugs. "Robin will be home soon, they just called him into the office for about an hour." Regina and her parents sat down, talking about everyday life. Reagan crawled into Regina's lap and whispered into her ear."Regina laughed and said, "Yes sweetie." Reagan giggled and laid her head in Regina's lap. A few minutes later Robin opened the door. "Oh hello. Would you like any wine?" Her parents agreed and Robin fixed three wines and one ginger ale. "Reagan would you mind watching television or something while we talk to your grandparents?" Reagan giggled and then did as she was told. "Something's up. What is it." Cora said after Reagan had left. "Are you sick? Is that why we're here? Is something wrong?" Henry asked, worried. "Mother, Daddy, nothing is wrong. All of us are perfectly fine. Well, mostly." Robin grinned, hinting Regina to tell them. Cora and Henry looked confused. "Regina and I are expecting our second child." Robin said. Henry heard the news, then took Regina's glass. "Give that back!" "You can't drink wine if you're pregnant!" "Taste it!" Henry tasted it, then realized it was ginger ale. "I'm fairly certain I can still have ginger ale." Regina said, taking her glass back. Robin chuckled and Cora said, "Well congratulations. How far along are you?" Regina took a sip of her ginger ale, still mad at her father for taking it, then said,"Almost 3 weeks. I wanted you to know before I start to show. We are going to fly over to England to tell Grace and Jeffery. I wanted you to know first, well, other than Emma and Killian. Oh and by the way, Emma's pregnant as well. She's 3 and a half weeks along. We were both surprised." Regina absent mindedly placed her hand on her abdomen. Cora and Henry left soon after. There were no more secrets on that side of the family. The other, there was still one.

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