Like mother like daughter

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Regina was working late at the office one night and couldn't find her glasses. She was eight, almost nine months pregnant and moody as ever. "Robin have you seen my glasses anywhere? Did I leave them on the nightstand again?"Regina asked. "No I don't believe so." Regina hung up the phone and stormed out of the office. Without her glasses she wouldn't be able to finish her paper work.She slammed the door behind her to find Reagan sitting in the living room, one leg over the other on the couch, reading Regina's book. And she had Regina's glasses on. "Reagan, why do you have my glasses on? I needed those to work." Regina sat down on the couch beside her daughter. "I wanted to be like you Mommy. I didn't know you needed them. I'm sorry."Reagan started to cry and Regina hugged her. "Reagan don't cry. Its alright. Just let me have them for tomorrow." Regina hugged her daughter as Robin walked into the room. "Like mother like daughter." He whispered as he sat down beside his wife.

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