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   "Reagan, honey you need to get ready. Don't you want to see Henry, Emma, and Killian again?" Regina pleaded with her daughter so they didn't miss their plane. Robin was packing their things. He was supposed to do that the night before, but fell asleep before he could. "Regina can you help me in a minute?" "Yes just give me a minute. Reagan get dressed.  I can take away privliges as easy as  can gIve them. Now get dressed." Reagan quickly got dressed and finished packing. Regina walked into their room to help Robin. Her stomach made her feel sick, but it was just the baby. She sat down on the bed and looked for Robin. He was in the closet looking through her clothes. "What is it?" Regina asked. "I just want you to be comfortable. I don't know what to pack you." He looked down at her and put his head on her shoulder. "Just pack me some shirts and jeans. I'm not showing much yet so it doesn't really matter." Once she finished saying that she ran and emptied her stomach. Robin held her hair back. "I hate seeing you like this." "Well just give it a few more weeks and we shouldn't have to worry with it. And it's your fault." Regina got up and brushed her teeth. Robin nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned into his touch, almost forgetting that they had a plane to catch. "Mommy! Papa! Don't you need to leave?" Reagan called from her room. "She's right you know. We do need to leave. Your mother won't stop asking questions once we get there and then she'll ask more when she knows about the little one." Regina chuckled and left the room. They drove Reagan to Emma's and then the couple drove to the airport and caught their plane. Not long and almost everyone would know about the baby.

   Robin got out of their rental car and went up to the door. Regina was waking up from her nap which lasted longer than she thought it would. When the door opened, Robin greeted his father with a hug. His parents were surprised by the sudden visit. When Grace saw Regina asleep in the front sleep, she was worried. Without Reagan, something must be wrong. Regina got out of the car and as soon as she stood up, she felt sick. Trying to hide it she hugged Grace and then Jeffery. "What's wrong." was Grace's first words once the couple got inside the home. "Mother, nothing's wrong. Can't we just visit?" Robin chuckled. "No it's fine if you do, but why is Reagan not here?" She looked at Regina."Reagan is at her aunt's and uncle's. She is perfectly fine. As are we." Robin wrapped his arm around Regina, pulling her to him. "Sure. Did you just want to surprise us? Because you did even though we are still worried. Regina are you sure you're fine? You look a little nauseous." Jeffery stated. "Oh yeah. Must have been something we ate. Robin does have a stronger immune system than I do." Regina laughed. Robin went to put their luggage in his old room when his father caught his arm. "Is Regina really alright? She doesn't look too well." Jeffery whispered. Robin nodded, and father and son took the luggage up. "Regina are you alright? Robin isn't in here now so if its something..." Regina laughed and said," I'm fine. Stop worrying so much." Grace nodded but still knew something was up.

  "You guys didn't change a thing in here. It still looks like my 8th grade year." Robin laughed. "We left it how you did. Well, all except for the things we put in your closet for if you and Regina ever came. Now you get to use those things." Jeffery said. "Oh no. What are they?" "Open the door to find out." Robin opened the closet door to find cheap comedy movies scattered on the floor. On the clothes rack were blankets and coats. Not what he thought, but better. "I guess we could find the time to have one date night here."Robin laughed along with his father. They headed downstairs to find Regina asleep in the chair and Grace in the kitchen. "Mum, what did you do to wear her out so quickly? I was gone five minutes!" Robin laughed, sitting down beside his wife and pulling her to where her head was lying in his lap. She should get all the rest she could now so she wouldn't pass out during labor. Which reminded him that his parents still didn't know. "I didn't do a thing. What did you do?" Grace sat down on the couch opposite of them. Regina pulled her legs up onto the couch mindlessly. Robin leaned down and pressed a kiss to her temple, gently waking her up. "They still need to know." He whispered. Regina nodded sleepily and sat up. She leaned into his side for extra support. If she sat up fully she would be running and emptying her stomach, giving Grace and Jeffery a fright. "There is something you need to know." Robin started but didn't get to finish. "Regina's pregnant." Grace finished for him. "How did you know?" Robin looked at Regina in confusion. She wore the same expression as her husband. Grace laughed and said, "Mothers always know. I watched carefully and noticed that as Regina slept, she kept her left hand on her stomach. Sometimes gently rubbing. And the way she looked? She's glowing. Sickness being why she didn't feel good and also why she fell asleep." Jeffery was taken aback by his wife's knowledge. Regina blushed when he asked, "How far along are you?" "Almost a month and a half." She said weakly. This baby sure was taking a toll on her energy. Well now the secret was out and they didn't care who else knew now.

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