Second day of Christmas

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    "Emma, will you be a dear and get the eggnog out of the refrigerator?" Robin asked, trying to calm Maxanne down. "You sound like Regina." She laughed as she got the eggnog out. "Well, she makes quite an expression on anyone she meets." He laughed. "That's very true. And here she is now. Welcoming her royal Highness, Queen Regina Locksley." Emma paraded around Regina, being one of the few people to know about her magic. Reads had heard he mom's name and ran into the dining room to see her. "Auntie Emma, you knew Mommy was a queen? Does Uncle Killi know?" She looked up at Emma with her puppy of eyes, wanting to be held. "I don't know if your uncle knows, but I've known since freshman year of high school." Reagan gasped, knowing that had been quite a few years. "Do Grandmum and Papa know?" Robin laughed. "You'd have to ask them. They know Regina's special, but I'm not completely sure they know why. Ask Grandmum next time you see her, she knew Mommy was pregnant with you before we told them." Reagan's eyes widened. "Does Grandmum have magic, too?" Regina laughed, knowing Reagan would think that everyone had magic now. "Reagan, not many people have magic. I'm special in that way. My mother nor father have it, but my grandmother did." Reagan nodded. "Do I?" Regina gasped, just now realizing her daughter could possibly have magic. It was a family trait."Reagan, honey, lets get off of this topic. Don't you want to get the party started?" Emma said, knowing this was starting to trouble Regina. Reagan screamed, full of excitement. She hopped down from Emma's arms towards the den. "Killian knows, I just didn't want her to go bug him too." Emma said, wrapping her arms around Regina. Magic had always been a touchy situation for Regina. She had never felt normal, even when she acted like she was perfectly fine. Robin rubbed her back as Emma released her from the hug. "Let's go get this party started, my Queen." Robin said, kissing her temple.

High School SweetheartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora