Thanksgiving with the Locksleys

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    "Reagan, get Henry and come to the dining room!" Regina yelled, still frustrated that the turkey wasn't done on time. "Emma, could you be a dear and wake Maxanne up? Robin put her down for a nap almost an hour ago. If she sleeps any longer, none of us will get any sleep tonight." Emma nodded, giving Regina a side hug to assure her everything would go smoothly. Robin's parents were almost to the house and half of the food wasn't prepared. "Regina, love, stop stressing so much. My parents adore you and know how stressful thanksgiving is after just having a baby. They will understand if the cranberry isn't out of the can when they get here." Robin wrapped his arms around her waist, putting a sweet kiss to her cheek. "Yes, but Maxanne was born almost 4 months ago. You were only 2 months old their first thanksgiving with a baby. And Killian, could you please get Reagan and Henry in here? They need to stop sword fighting or they will break something!" As soon as Regina ended her sentence, there was a knock on the door. It could be either the Mills or the Locksleys. Which set of parents could be the start of World War 3 because of Regina's stress level? It turned out to be the Locksleys. As soon as Reagan heard the door open, she ran into the room, completely forgetting her cousin in the other room. "Grandmum! Grandpappy! You're finally here!" Reagan screamed as she ran through the kitchen to hug her grandparents. "Reagan, slow down!" Regina yelled as her daughter almost knocked her over. "Emma, switch with me. Give her some love she will actually take. I'll get Maxanne if you can stop World War 3 from beginning on thanksgiving, of all holidays." Robin pleaded, already heading off to the nursery to get Maxanne and Liam. "Gina, calm down. She needs to see her grandparents. Especially now that she isn't the only grandchild." Emma laughed, wrapping her arms around Regina's neck and leaning her chin on her friend's shoulder. Regina turned around and placed her forehead on Emma's shoulder, too tired and stressed to greet the in-laws at the moment. Emma rubbed her back and shook Robin's parents hands. She had met them before, but wasn't really close with them. Regina slowly turned around, smiling a tired smile at her mother inlaw and father inlaw. "Oh, Regina. You look absolutely exhausted. Why is Robin not here helping? Or moreover, why are you working at all? That sweet little baby girl of yours must be depriving you of sleep. Speaking of which, where is that little doll?" Gracie asked, seeing Robin walk down the stairs.

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