Eleventh day of Christmas

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    Robin turned over in bed to see Reagan cuddling into her mother's neck with her arms around her waist. Regina had moved Maxanne's crib into their room so that Emma and Killian could use the guest room, Henry could sleep in Reagan's room, and they could let Liam sleep in the nursery. All of his family was in one room, and his heart wanted to burst with love for them. His wife was curled up against their oldest daughter, hugging her tight. His arm was around both of them, keeping them close. Maxanne, well, she was in her crib, but she was sleeping peacefully for the first time in a few weeks. "I can feel you staring." Regina whispered, never opening her eyes. "There's a reason I stare. I never want to move my eyes away from your beautiful face." He said, kissing her forehead. "Flattery will get you no where." She said, grabbing the pillow sham on the floor and hitting him with it. Reagan woke up, finally aware of her parents being awake. "Oh, pillow fight!" She said, grabbing the pillow under her mother's head and hitting her father with it. He sat up, stunned. Two of his favorite people were hitting him with pillows. He grabbed his pillow and hit Reagan softly. She giggled and hit Regina on the side. "Oh, that's it. You two against Mommy. It's on." Regina said when Robin hit her on her other side. "I hope I'm still on the nice list after this." Emma said, rushing in with her pillow and hitting Robin. Soon, Killian and Henry had joined the party, hitting anyone they could. Henry lost his pillow at one point and got attacked by everyone else. Reagan had stopped hitting him, knowing he didn't like her hitting him after the snowball incident. Once everyone was done laughing and hitting each other, Regina said, "How about we throw these pillows on the bed and get some breakfast." Reagan ran to throw hers on the bed, then ran down the stairs. Henry followed quickly. "Breakfast isn't even ready yet. This is going to be a long day." She said, jumping onto Robin's back, making him carry her down the stairs.

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