Ninth day of Christmas

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    Killian slung his jacket on, then went to help Henry put his on. They were going to be outside for 3 or more hours, so warm clothing was a must. Emma walked out of their room in thermal pants and a shirt, looking like she was about to die from the heat in the house and her body heat trapped inside of her clothes. "Now Henry, do you remember the songs we are singing?" She asked, knowing he had forgotten them already. "Um... no." He hid his face in his father's neck, not wanting his mother to see him so embarrassed. Emma recited the names of the songs to him, hopping he wouldn't forget the words while they were singing. Killian's cell phone started to buzz. He answered the phone, hearing Regina's stressed voice. "What's wrong, love?" He asked. "Reagan got sick so I won't be able to go caroling. I really don't want to trouble Granny with two babies and a sick 5 year old." "Reagan's sick." He whispered to Emma when she asked what was wrong. "I'm sure the old wolf can handle it. Besides, we need your lovely voice out there with us. God knows we won't sound good with one alto and two tiners. We need your saprano voice to make things fun." He laughed when she cursed, almost falling down the stairs. "Shut up, pirate." She said sternly, bringing up his Halloween costume. "Hey, that wasn't my choice. You know how Emma gets on Halloween." Regina laughed, truly knowing what he meant. "I'm just going to tell Granny that she'll have another child to take care of. Reagan isn't that sick, it's just the weather change." Regina said, ending the call. "Well, it looks like all of us are going except for the babies and Reagan." Henry looked up at his father, wanting to know why Reagan wouldn't be coming. "She got a little sick. Nothing serious, but she doesn't need to be out in the cold weather." He said, noticing how his son relaxed when he realized she wasn't terribly sick. "You really do like her, don't you?" Henry nodded. He knew she wasn't his cousin, he had figured that out by listening to his parents talk and by observing. Regina and Emma looked nothing alike, and Killian and Robin looked nothing alike. Of course, Regina and Killian could be siblings, but he had grown up in Ireland. Emma and Robin could be siblings, but he grew up in England. Of course, one of them could be adopted, but he doubted that. "Let's go caroling, shall we?" Emma said, picking her little boy up. Liam was already at Regina and Robin's house, awaiting Granny's care. The night would be filled with laughter and singing, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

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