Tenth day of Christmas

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      Reagan snuck around the back of the house, holding the ball in her hand. Her toboggan was slipping off of her head, but she didn't care. Her target was a clueless Henry, yet he was still a few yards too far away. Slowly, with an animal instinct, she crouched up behind a bush and attacked. She hurled the snowball with as force as her little body could exert. The snowball hit Henry in the lower back, his eyes widening as he quickly turned around to see who his attacker was. Reagan ran quietly back to behind the house. She loved snowball fights almost as much as she loved being cuddled by her mother with a cup of warm hot chocolate. Speaking of her mother, she saw Regina on the other side of the house, pouncing onto Robin's back. Regina roughly placed her snowball on top of Robin's head, covering his sandy blond hair with snow. He slipped her off of his back and picked her up bridal style, then carried her to an enormous pile of leaves and dropped her in them. She reached up, laughing, and grabbed the hem of his jacket and pulled him in the leaf pile with her. Reagan smiled, seeing how happy her parents were. Emma and Killian were inside taking care of the babies, knowing Regina and Robin could use some time to themselves. 'I wonder if I could spend the night at' her thoughts were obliterated when she felt cold snow running down the back of her neck. "Henry!" She yelled, grabbing one of own balls from the pile she had hidden and threw it at him. It hit him in the back of the head, causing him to trip forward from the force. He landed face first in the snow, and it was a good thing, too, because if there was not so much snow, he would've broken his nose. "I'm sorry Henry. Just don't come up behind me like that again." She said, helping him up, then hugging him. He was her bestfriend, and she didn't want that to change because of a simple snowball fight. "Mommy, Papa? Can we go in? It's getting too cold." She said, seeing her parents start to walk towards them. Regina picked Reagan up and Robin picked Henry up, carrying the children inside. "Hot chocolate?" Reagan asked, followed by her mother's nod. Regina placed her on the couch by Henry, going to get the hot chocolate. "Cinnamon?" She asked, and both of the kids nodded, knowing how good the cinnamon tastes with the warm chocolate. Once the hot choco was ready, Reagan was wrapped up in a blanket and her mother's arms, surrounded by people she loved. She sipped her hot chocolate slowly, not wanting to burn her tongue. "I love Christmas." She said, leaning into her mother's warmth. Regina smiled, kissing her daughter's head. Christmas was the best time of the year. It brought their families even closer, and that was all that Regina wanted. She just wanted to be happy, and Christmas always brought her extra joy.

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