Twelfth day of Christmas

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   "We all get one gift. But only one, so choose wisely. Tomorrow morning we will open the rest, so it doesn't really matter which one you pick tonight." Regina said, giving picking out her gift for the night. Robin picked his, then Emma, then Killian, Henry, and Reagan. Before Reagan could pick one, Henry stopped her and gave her one that he had gotten her. "Alright, now that everyone has one, which way do you want to go? Oldest to youngest or youngest to oldest?" Reagan and Henry wanted youngest to oldest, but Emma brought it up that they had done that last year. Killian opened a gift from Robin. It was a gift card to Long Horn. Next was Robin. He got a bow and arrow from Regina. Then Emma went, getting a small keychain from Reagan. Regina got a earrings from Emma. Henry got teddy bear from Regina and Robin. Before Reagan could open her gift, Henry stopped her. "I used all of my allowance on this. It took so many tries, but I finally got it." He said sheepishly. Reagan nodded and slowly opened the gift. Inside was a plastic cup with tissue paper inside of it. She opened it and took out the paper. A note fell out of it, along with a plastic ring, which had a rose pink gem on it. The note read, 'I like you Reagan. More than a friend, and we aren't cousins. I know our parents want us to think that, but we aren't. Will you be my girlfriend?'. Reagan looked at him and hugged him. She then kissed him on the cheek saying, "Yes. And I like you, too." He held her hand after she slipped the ring on her finger, happy she was his girlfriend now. Neither of the kids understood being 'in love',but they were. This was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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