First Day of Christmas

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   "On the first day of Christmas, we get locked in the house because of a blizzard." Regina read to Maxanne, slowly trying to show her annoyance. Robin had planned on them having a date night. Since Maxanne was born, they hadn't had any time alone together. Between Regina breastfeeding Maxanne and Robin taking care of Reagan's needs, the two parents were exhausted. Granny was supposed to come over tonight to watch the children, but when Regina woke up for Maxanne's midnight feeding, she saw the snow piled up to the windows. Robin saw his wife caressing his daughter's cheek from the door frame. His heart felt like it would explode from the love he had for that woman and their children. Slowly, he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his face into hat at her neck, placing light kisses there. Regina turned around in his arms, leaning into his embrace. She placed her lips on his, both of them too exhausted to care that they couldn't go on their date anymore. Robin had fixed that, even though Regina didn't know he had. "Go to our room, change in to a nice but comfortable dress, and then, come find me." He said as he left the room, completely confusing Regina. She almost stormed out after him, but then realized what he was doing. Slowly she left Maxanne, whispering an 'I love you' to her. When she went up to their room, she saw a simple red dress on the bed. She quickly changed into the dress and touched up her makeup before leaving the room to go find Robin. As she passed by Reagan's room, she noticed the light was still on. She peeked inside to she her daughter peacefully asleep, so she turned the light off. She may be going on a date in less than a minute, but mother duties never end. As she turned the corner, she could hear soft music coming from the den. She smiled, knowing what Robin was doing. When she entered the den, she saw him laying on the couch. It was pressed up closer to the fireplace, and the rug was an open space for dancing. "An early Christmas gift for my beautiful wife."He said, taking her hand and leading her to the middle of the rug. "Could you make the music play? And not with the remote, with your magic." He whispered into her hair as they swayed back and forth. Regina smiled, instantly being able to turn the music on. "You should practice more often. Magic could make life so much easier." He placed a kiss to her temple, letting her relax in his arms. 'The Way You Look Tonight' by Frank Sinatra was playing quietly in the background. "Some day, when I'm awfully low

When the world is cold

I will feel a glow just thinking of you

And the way you look tonight

Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm

And your cheeks so soft

There is nothing for me but to love you

And the way you look tonight

With each word your tenderness grows

Tearin' my fear apart

And that laugh, wrinkles your nose

Touches my foolish heart

Lovely, never, never change

Keep that breathless charm

Won't you please arrange it?

'Cause I love you

A-just the way you look tonight

And that laugh that wrinkles your nose

It touches my foolish heart

Lovely, don't you ever change

Keep that breathless charm

Won't you please arrange it?

'Cause I love you

A-just the way you look tonight

Mm, mm, mm, mm,

Just the way you look tonight." The last part of the song was sung by both of them, but Robin had started singing it. By the end of the song, they were both too tired to do anything other than hold each other. Robin picked Regina up bridal style, and as he did, he saw their daughter, Reagan, grinning from ear to ear in the floor by the door. She had her camera out and was taking pictures of her parents. Their love for each other brought her joy, knowing that not all parents loved each other as much as they did. "You little rascal." Regina grinned, immediately making Reagan laugh. "Mommy, I didn't know you had magic! Why didn't you ever tell me? You're like a pretty princess!" Reagan squealed. "Reagan, I think you mean Queen. You and Maxanne are princesses. And I think that makes me the King." Regina laughed at Robin's comment, knowing family life would never be the same again with Reagan knowing about Regina's magic. "Hurry up and go to bed or you'll turn into a frog!" Reagan laughed."Then I guess Mommy would just have to kiss me to change me back." Reagan ran out of the room, not wanting to see them kiss. Robin tucked her in again as Regina checked on Maxanne. Once she knew her daughter was in a deep sleep, she headed to her room. Robin was there under the covers, already dozing off. She slipped her dress off and changed into a simple night gown before getting in bed. She nuzzled up against his chest, whispering, "I love you, my King." He kissed her temple saying, "And I, you, my Queen."

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