Jikook (maid dress)

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"I-I'm sorry," Jimin said, tears welling up in his eyes as he looks down to his feet playing with his fingers. Jimin broke a vase near the living room at Jungkook house, Jungkook didn't mind, but he wanted to play with him.

"Jimin, why did you drop it?" Jungkook said, starring at him with cold eyes for Jimin can predict that he was mad ,looking still at the other he sat down to enjoy seeing the view at a embarrassed, yet sorry Jimin.

"I-I didn't, it was a accident I-" as Jimin spoke he got hush when Jungkook let out a sigh, one that will make Jimin think that he was pissed off and that maybe the vase was a valuable item to the family.

"I'm s-sorry Kookie,"

"If your sorry then clean it." Jimin looked up fully and nodded, thinking after he cleans he'll get forgiven. Jimin ran to the closet and got a broom and baggy. How did he it was there? Hide and seek.

He comes back running to find Jungkook not in sight. "Kookie?" Jimin asked sort of yelled, as he looked to the stairs were it leads to his room, usually Jimin doesn't do that, he just stays quite and see if he'll back later, when his parents are there, but there parents are out of town and they'll return on tomorrow in the evening. Jungkook walks the down the stairs with a smirk planted on his face. Jimin question the bag to Jungkook, and questioned the smirk in his head.

"What's that Kookie?"

"This," Jungkook said pointing at the bag, Jimin nodded, "oh, well this is something you have to were." Jimin looked at Jungkook with a questioning look. He sat down on the couch and brought out a-

"Dress? Am I going to were that?"

"Yes, here go try it on."

"K-Kookie I don't want to-"

"Jimin." Jungkook growled, making Jimin step foward and grab the bag to run to the bathroom to change.

5 min skip

"H-hyung I don't to wear this." Jimin said in a low voice, enough for Jungkook to hear, Jungkook turned his head towards the voice, and Jimin was standing there looking at his toes, and rubbing the side of his arm, avoiding eye contact.

Jungkook grinned, "okay, start cleaning." He commanded, making himself comfortable in the couch to watch Jimin clean. Jimin felt the strong, intense gaze on him, making his checks a light pink shade, Jungkook would bite his lips every time the other will bend down to get a few more glass from the floor and standing back up straight to put it in the baggy

Once Jimin finished he throw away the bag and came back to Jungkook. "Can I-I take this off," Jimin said tugging on his dress. "Of course Jimin." Jimin's face lit up and he smiled, the way the Jungkook voice sounded more happy, made Jimin think that he was not mad at him anymore.

"I'll take it off for you." Jungkook said, making Jimin look up at him in surprise.


"Come here." Jungkook said in a smirk.

"K-Kookie I-"

"Come here." Jungkook said, again more coldly this time.

Jimin started to walk to Jungkook in small steps, averting his look to his. Jimin was gonna sit next to Jungkook-

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