Chapter Twelve

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Percy's POV

Hmm. This guy isn't supposed to be here. I tilted my head, "Hey, are you one of those Thanatos Eaters? Because if you are, I'm gonna have to suggest you leave so I can eat my cookies in peace."

The man growled, "You can eat your cookies in pieces for all I care. But you're coming with me."

I shrugged, "Nah, I'll pass. Don't you think the mask is a little overkill, though?"

His hand shot up to his face, startled. He stepped forward menacingly, "If you're not gonna come with me, boy, I'll have to take you."

I nodded thoughtfully, "I'd like to see you try."

He drew his wand, pointing it straight at me. "Stupefy!"

I sidestepped the blast, cringing as it blasted through my pillow. I looked at him sadly, "So, Octavian 2.0, huh?" He gave no response but instead shot the same spell over and over again until he was out of breath. These death eaters are so original.

I fingered my chin, "You know, I never understood why you wanted to kidnap Potter in the first place. He strikes me as a bit obnoxious."

Octavian 2.0 appeared to agree with me, because he nodded exasperatedly. I took my finger off of my face and pointed it at him instead, "But why do you want to capture me? I've literally had two days of training." This guy was stupid. Just like Octavian. He just kept talking to me.

The muffled voice came again, "Because you are the Dark Lord's grandson. You are destined to take his place. We have heard you possess a wand more powerful than the Elder wand, that you are a wizard more capable than Dumbledore."

I patted my pockets, and spread my hands, "Sorry, dude. I lost my wand again."

They sent one wizard to get me. I'm a little offended considering I'm a threat. All I need to do is take away his wand and he'll be powerless against my awesomeness. And I did just that. Stepping forward and easily knocking his wand out of his hand, I took him out with a quick punch to the temple. Now, to bring this guy to Dumbledore. Such fun.

Time Skip to Dumbledore's office. Let's bring Hermione and Harry and Ron and plop them in a couple of chairs. Then take Percy and Dumbledore and put them behind a desk. Give Percy some Blue Cookies so he doesn't throw a fit. Now, for a little fun, steal Octavian 2.0 and tie him up and gag him and toss him in a corner. Yay.

I leaned back in my chair and propped my legs up on the desk, munching on a cookie while Dumbledore folded his hands on the desk and addressed the Trio.

"Children," Dumbledore started diplomatically, "You must be wondering why you're here."

Harry shrugged, "Not really. What I'm wondering is why that piece of scum needs to be here."

Dumbledore's eyes lost a bit of his friendly twinkle. "Now Harry," he continued, "I thought we agreed that you would not be prejudiced against Perseus based on his ancestry."

Harry leaned forward in his chair, saying, "But Dumbledore! The kid's really easy to hate. I mean, he's bossy and annoying and a showoff! I can't not be prejudiced against him."

I swallowed my cookie, putting my hands behind my head. "Yeah," I said, nodding, "I don't blame you. If I killed your whole family and then tried to kill you in about a million different ways I'd be prejudiced against me, too." I looked up at the ceiling, pausing dramatically, "Oh, wait. I didn't."

Dumbledore nodded, "Everyone else in Hogwarts seems to get along with Perseus just fine. Only you and Mr. Weasley show any negative feelings about him. I've spoken to the children at his camp in America, as well as his Camp Director, Mr. Brunner. Perseus is proving to be modest, brave, loyal, and an overall paragon of a good friend."

Percy Jackson: Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now