Chapter Nineteen

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I know it's not his birthday but I just had to put it there.

Annabeth's POV

Percy's eyes went blank the second his slip of paper dropped into the Goblet of Fire. He grimaced in pain, as if he was being sliced up. Again. The next thing I knew, his eyes had rolled back in his head and he was on the floor in front of me. I kneeled next to him, fighting back tears and cradling his head. The trio was standing behind me, completely unsure of what to do. Hermione was about to race off. I could tell. She took a couple steps before shouting, "I'll go and get Madam Pomfrey!" I shook my head. I was just going to give him some ambrosia and he'll be back to normal in no time. I stuffed a chunk of the stuff into his mouth and forced him to swallow. I felt a hand on my shoulder. A stocky-looking guy was standing behind me. He reminded me of Frank. He smiled the much the same as Frank would, shy, but showing the potential to be quite outspoken when required. Although, his black hair and emerald green eyes caused me to look back and forth between him and Harry for a second. His chin jutted towards my unconscious boyfriend. "What's up with him?" His voice was deep and quiet, like he didn't use his voice a lot. I shook my head, "Nothing. Keep moving." His eyes hardened, "There's an unconscious boy on the ground and nothing's up?" I nodded. The grip on my shoulder became like an iron clamp. He knelt, expertly checking his pulse. I rolled my eyes. Percy would be wide awake in a couple of seconds. His robes proved him to be a Durmstrang student.

Percy shot up, his head knocking against the boy's. His hand flew to his temple. "Oww!" he whined, "Is there like, a boulder floating over me?" His eyes opened. "Oh, sorry, kid," he apologized, "Why are you floating over me?" I tackled him with a hug. Percy was such a Seaweed Brain. The Durmstrang boy held his hand out. "Raydon Jesome. Durmstrang," he said, introducing himself, "Why were you on the floor unconscious?" Percy shook the proffered hand and grinned, "Percy Jackson. Hogwarts. I'm on the floor unconscious a lot. You'll get used to it." I smacked him upside the head, glaring. I took his hand and pulled him up. Smiling at the rest of the group, I said, "I'm going to take Percy for a walk. Catch ya later." My eyes shifted to the rugged face of Raydon one last time, "Annabeth Chase, by the way." I marched off, Percy in tow.

I could feel Percy staring at the back of my head. "Yes, Seaweed Brain?" I called over my shoulder. I pulled him into the Room of Requirement, making sure no one was looking. He tilted his head, "Why are we here, Wise Girl?" I narrowed my eyes at him, "Tell me why you fainted." He shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed, "I don't really know. My paper dropped into the cup and suddenly, a shrill whistle. Like a dog whistle, but one that humans can hear. It was painful." He smiled ruefully, "Besides, it's not like I don't faint all the time. This isn't anything new." He said it like a joke. But I didn't find it humorous at all. My boyfriend was in life or death situations no matter what we did. The Fates always found some way to pull me into the mix as well, and I was just supposed to be okay with it? Percy must've seen the fiery anger in my eyes, because he asked, "Is something wrong, Wise Girl?" I shook my head, the unshed tears returning to the corners of my eyes. "No, Percy." He gently took my hand. "You're lying. What's wrong?" That's just like Percy. So painfully oblivious it made me want to scream. I removed my hand from his, standing up.

"You disappeared. You came back, only to disappear again. I found you, and not even a month later, you fall unconscious for no reason in front of me. I hate that. I hate not knowing where you are, not knowing why you're hurt," I stared him dead in the eyes, "I don't want to go through that!" He spread out his hands diplomatically, but I was too angry to be consoled by anything he could say. "We've gotten through it before. We can do it again." I stomped off a couple steps. "No, Percy. I've gotten through it before. You were the one kidnapped. I was the one who had to handle it. You were gone for eight months, Percy! You were asleep, you lost your memory. You had nothing to miss. I was searching every minute of every day for you. I couldn't find you. You have no idea what I've been through!" I was screaming at this point, not even bothering to fight back my tears. Percy stood up, "I understand-" I cut him off with yelling. "You don't understand a thing I've gone through when it came to you. I never disappeared on you, Percy! You were always the one doing the disappearing." He tried to reach out to me, "You know it wasn't my fault-" I cut him off yet again, "And that's what I hate the most about this whole situation. We have no control over anything that happens to us. The Fates. Hera. These random death eaters on the hunt for you. They all tear you away from me, and I'm just supposed to be okay with that! I don't want to live like this. I want to have a steady relationship. I don't need drama. I love you, Percy. I want to live with you the rest of my life. But right now, I don't know if I can handle this." I marched out of the room, furiously wiping away my tears.

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